Wonderman of Europe

Upon his ascension from the Rakoczy Mansion in 1684, Ascended Master Saint Germain entered the Great Silence (nirvana) where his beloved twin flame Portia, the Goddess of Justice—whose name he had inscribed in The Merchant of Venice—had long been waiting his return.
Not long thereafter, the beloved Sanctus Germanus was given the dispensation by the Lords of Karma to function in the world of form as an ascended being having the appearance of an unascended being.
Speculation as to his identity
During this period, historians who have studied the life of the Wonderman of Europe have speculated that he was Prince Rakoczy, of the royal house of Hungary, which for centuries fought to maintain independence and religious liberty in Transylvania against the fierce attack of the Turks and the relentless invasion of the Hapsburg’s powerful Austrian army.
Ferencz Rákóczi I (1645–1676) was killed in the bitter stuggles of the Hungarian Patriot Movement and upon his death the widowed pincess, his children, and all their properties were seized by the Austrian emperor. In March, 1688, arrangements were made for his son Ferencz II (Francis Leopold Rakoczy) to be brought up in the Court of Vienna. When he came of age, the young prince regained his estate, although with considerable regulations and limitations.
After his marriage in 1694, Ferencz II began to incite anew the fight for freedom in the small but exceedingly powerful and wealthy province of Transylvania. With the military assistance of Louis XIV of France, he waged several successful campaigns against both the Austrians and the Turks. In 1697, however, France withdrew her support and Ferencz II was forced to leave his wife and sons and take refuge in Poland.
He then traveled to both France and Turkey in an attempt to regain support for his revolutionary cause, but to no avail. Transylvania was again captured by the Hapsburg government and two of the Rakoczy sons were forced to abandon their name and take the Austrian catholic names St. Karl and St. Elizabeth.
In one account concerning the mysterious “third son,” Prince Karl of Hesse writes:
[Saint Germain] told me that ... he was the son of Prince Ragoczy of Transylvania by his first wife, Tékéli. He was placed, when quite young, under the care of the last Duc de Medici (Gian Gastone).... When M. de St. Germain learned that his two brothers, sons of the Princess of Hesse-Wahnfried (Rheihfels), had become subject to the Emperor Charles VI and had received the titles and names St. Karl and St. Elizabeth, he said to himself: “Very well, I will call myself Sanctus Germano, the Holy Brother [Latin Sanctus Germanus].”
Saint Germain has neither confirmed nor denied whether, as the Wonderman of Europe, he chose to actually embody in the family of Ferencz II or whether he simply materialized a body and made it appear that he had descended through the royal house of Hungary, using the name and identity as a convenient disguise. It is not important to know which alternative he chose but to know that, as an ascended master, he could have chosen either one or both, since an ascended master may occupy any number of ‘bodies’, i.e. forcefields, simultaneously in order to accomplish his mission on earth.
Note that during the period of his seeming ubiquitousness in Europe, he played an energetic and principal role in the American Revolution. The question may well be asked, where has the Master’s presence not been felt in the universal movement for freedom which has taken place in the centuries leading up to the Aquarian dispensation?
The Comte de Saint Germain
Throughout the courts of eighteenth century Europe, he was known as the Comte de Saint Germain. He appeared, disappeared, and reappeared in and out of royal circles with his outstanding quality of realism in an age that was closing in upon itself by the weight of its own hypocrisy. Voltaire aptly described him in a letter to Frederick II of Prussia as “a man who never dies and who knows everything.” The archives of France contain evidence that English, Dutch, and Prussian statesmen of his time regarded the Count as an authority in many fields. He was hated by some while loved and held in awe by others. As one of his friends said, “He was, perhaps, one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived.... His heart was concerned only with the happiness of others.”
The master alchemist spoke French, German, English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian so fluently that he was accepted as a native wherever he went. According to a contemporary account, “the learned and the oriental scholars have proved the knowledge of the Count St. Germain. The former found him more apt in the languages of Homer and Virgil than themselves; with the latter he spoke Sanscrit, Chinese, Arabic in such a manner as to show them that he had made some lengthy stay in Asia.”
The Comte de Saint Germain composed, improvised, accompanied on piano without music “not only every song but also the most difficult concerti, played on various instruments,” and played the violin “like an orchestra.” His compositions remain today in the British Museum and the library of the castle of Raudnitz in Bohemia. He painted in oils with colors of gemlike brilliance, a “secret” which he himself discovered.
It is said that from 1737 to 1742, Saint Germain was at the Court of the Shah of Persia, there exhibiting his extraordinary knowledge of precipitating and perfecting precious stones, particularly diamonds. According to the memoirs of Madame du Hausset, Saint Germain once removed a flaw from a large diamond which belonged to King Louis XV. In his alchemical laboratory at the Royal Chateau at Chambord, Saint Germain was attended by a group of learned and noble students. The Count is described by Graf Cobenzl in a letter dated 1763: “Possessing great wealth, he lives in the greatest simplicity; he knows everything, and shows an uprightness, a goodness of soul, worthy of admiration. Among a number of his accomplishments, he made, under my own eyes, some experiments, of which the most important were the transmutation of iron into a metal as beautiful as gold.” The Comte de Saint Germain thoroughly understood the use of herbs and plants and discovered medicines and elixirs to prolong life and maintain health.
Many of his demonstrations of mastery are described in the diaries of Mme. d’Adhemar, who knew him for at least half a century. She records Saint Germain’s visits to herself and to the courts of Louis XV and Louis XVI, noting in his glowing face the appearance of a man in his early forties throughout the period. She mentions a personal conversation with the Count in 1789 in which he appeared “with the same countenance as in 1760.” In the same conversation he predicted the Revolution of 1789, the fall of the House of Bourbon, and the course of modern French history.
Introducing the science of modern diplomacy, he carried out many secret diplomatic missions for the king to the courts of Europe. Had Saint Germain’s counsel been heeded by Louis XVI, it would have prevented the French Revolution. Later Saint Germain sought to establish a United States of Europe through Napoleon (1799–1815), who failed his initiation and misused the master’s power to his own demise.
Speaking of his efforts in the 18th century, Saint Germain said:
Having failed in securing the attention of the Court of France and others of the crowned heads of Europe, I turned myself to the perfectionment of mankind at large, and I recognized that there were many who, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, would indeed be filled with the concept of a perfect union which would inspire them to take dominion over the New World and create a union among the sovereign states. Thus the United States was born as a child of my heart and the American Revolution was the means of bringing freedom in all of its glory into manifestation from the East unto the West.
See also
Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 20, no. 52, December 25, 1977.