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Show new changes starting from 19:52, 4 December 2024
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3 December 2024

N    20:31  Cyclopea and Virginia's retreat/is‎‎ 6 changes history +2,611 [Hbraga‎ (6×)]
20:31 (cur | prev) +1 Hbraga talk contribs (Created page with "Category:Ljósvakaathvörf")
20:31 (cur | prev) 0 Hbraga talk contribs (Created page with "{{MTR}}, “Cyclopea and Virginia’s Retreat”.")
20:30 (cur | prev) +29 Hbraga talk contribs (Created page with "== Heimildir ==")
20:30 (cur | prev) +27 Hbraga talk contribs (Created page with "== Lýsing ==")
20:30 (cur | prev) +8 Hbraga talk contribs (Created page with "Útsýni yfir Tabún Bogdó frá rússnesku Altai fjöllunum")
20:29 (cur | prev) +2,546 Hbraga talk contribs (Created page with "Athvarf Syklópea og Virginíu")
     20:13  Arcturus and Victoria's retreat/is‎‎ 4 changes history −7 [Hbraga‎ (4×)]
20:13 (cur | prev) −1 Hbraga talk contribs
20:12 (cur | prev) −2 Hbraga talk contribs
20:10 (cur | prev) −2 Hbraga talk contribs
20:08 (cur | prev) −2 Hbraga talk contribs