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(Created page with "The Goddess of Liberty says: “Archangel Michael is at your side and does answer your call and does answer it best when you keep a daily momentum” of prayers to him. “Your call for help will be answered instantaneously when you have built this momentum.”<ref>Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “How Angels Help You to Protect Yourself and Those You Love,” February 21, 1993.</ref> Archangel Michael has made the commitment to each and every one of us that if we will giv...")
(Created page with "Archangel Michael also offers to give us his momentum of faith, as he says, “Give me your doubts. Give me your questionings. I will indeed give you my faith. And my faith is a power to transform and direct into the world the great blue-lightning love of the infinite Father of all. This power and this faith is real.”<ref>Archangel Michael, “Hail, Children of the White-Fire Sun,” July 4, 1971.</ref>")
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The [[Goddess of Liberty]] says: “Archangel Michael is at your side and does answer your call and does answer it best when you keep a daily momentum” of prayers to him. “Your call for help will be answered instantaneously when you have built this momentum.”<ref>Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “How Angels Help You to Protect Yourself and Those You Love,” February 21, 1993.</ref> Archangel Michael has made the commitment to each and every one of us that if we will give our decrees and songs to him for twenty minutes each day, he will keep an angel with us until the hour of our victory.
The [[Goddess of Liberty]] says: “Archangel Michael is at your side and does answer your call and does answer it best when you keep a daily momentum” of prayers to him. “Your call for help will be answered instantaneously when you have built this momentum.”<ref>Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “How Angels Help You to Protect Yourself and Those You Love,” February 21, 1993.</ref> Archangel Michael has made the commitment to each and every one of us that if we will give our decrees and songs to him for twenty minutes each day, he will keep an angel with us until the hour of our victory.

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Archangel Michael also offers to give us his momentum of faith, as he says, “Give me your doubts. Give me your questionings. I will indeed give you my faith. And my faith is a power to transform and direct into the world the great blue-lightning love of the infinite Father of all. This power and this faith is real.”<ref>Archangel Michael, “Hail, Children of the White-Fire Sun,” July 4, 1971.</ref>  
Archangel Michael also offers to give us his momentum of faith, as he says, “Give me your doubts. Give me your questionings. I will indeed give you my faith. And my faith is a power to transform and direct into the world the great blue-lightning love of the infinite Father of all. This power and this faith is real.”<ref>Archangel Michael, “Hail, Children of the White-Fire Sun,” July 4, 1971.</ref>

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Revision as of 13:38, 10 March 2024

Mikael erkiengill

Mikael erkiengill ríkir á fyrsta geislasviðinu sem felur í sér verndun, trú, fullkomnun og vilja Guðs. Hann er prins erkienglanna og englasveitanna, verndari trúarinnar og engill aflausnarinnar. Í Daníelsbók er hann kallaður "hinn mikli verndarengill, sá er verndar landa þína."[1] Hin guðlega uppfylling hans er kven-erkiengillinn Von.

Sögulegur bakgrunnur

Ýmsar sagnir og skriftir votta að þessi mikilsverði sendiboði Guðs hafi verið virtasti og dáðasti verndarengill Gyðinga, kristinna manna og múslíma. Hann er þekktur í íslamstrúnni sem Mika'il, náttúruengill sem færir mönnum fæðu og þekkingu. Samkvæmt dulhyggjuhefð Gyðinga var hann engillinn sem glímdi við Jakob. Hann leiddi Ísraelsmenn í gegnum óbyggðirnar. Hann sendi plágur yfir faraóinn, greindi að Rauðahafið, tortímdi herjum Sanheríbs og bjargaði gyðingastrákunum þremur úr eldsofni Nebúkadnesar Babýlóníukonungs. Hann birtist Jósha með brugðið sverð og fór fyrir hersveitum Drottins í baráttunni um Jeríkó. Enoksbók greinir að Mikael sé yfir þjóðunum.

Jóhannes lærisveinn talar um Mikael erkiengil í Opinberunarbókinni þar sem hann segir frá því að Mikael hafi varpað djöflinum og englum hans úr himnaríki niður á jörðina. [2] Þar með vitum við að óvinir Krists eru í efnisheiminum. Þess vegna verndar Mikael erkiengill og hinar leiftrandi bláu englasveitir sem þjóna með honum börn Guðs gegn andkristi.

Archangel Michael, Pietro Perugino (c. 1499)

Sverð hans og brynvörn

Mikael erkiengill og liðsveitir hans stíga daglega í breiðfylkingu niður á geðsviðið í tilkomumiklum bláum brynjum sínum, með sverð sín og skildi úr bláum loga. Þeira skera lausa þá sem hafa skilið við lífssviðið og eru ófærir um að rísa til hærri áttundarsviða til þjónustu og til athvarfa meistaranna.

Hann og frelsisenglar hans vinna alla tíma sólarhringsins á þessum lægri sviðum við að bjarga sálum úr viðjum uppsafnaðs misskapnaðar síns í gegnum aldirnar og einnig undan illskeyttni myrkraaflanna. Þeir hafa þjónað þar í aldaraðir og Mikael segir að hann sé staðráðinn í því að gefast aldrei upp uns hið síðasta barn ljóssins á þessum hnetti hefur risið til hinnar guðlegu uppsprettu í helgiathöfn uppstigningarinnar.

Sér til fulltingis við að slíta ljósberana lausa úr flækjum geðheimasviðsins hefur Mikeal blátt logasverð sér við hönd sem hefur verið mótað úr hreinu ljósefni. Þetta bláa logasverð er stöng úr bláum logakrafti sem hefur verið notað til að vernda mannkynið síðan svartir eftirlegusauðir og fallnir ljósenglar féllu niður á jarðsviðið. Mikael segir að þetta sverð sé frá Guði komið. Það hefur komið frá Hinni miklu miðsól, gjöf úr hjarta Guðs sjálfs sem hinn mikilfenglegi elóhím Herkúles hefur fært úr hendi. Þegar blossa frá þessu bláa logasverði er brugðið á birtingarmynd hins illa getur ekkert staðið í vegi fyrir því.

Þið getið einnig kallað eftir logasverði hans. sjáið það fyrir ykkur sem tindrandi rafurbláma sem sést í bláa loganum í brennara gaseldavélar. Takið ykkur þetta sverð við hægri hönd. Snúið því í kringum ykkur daglega þegar þið gefið kraftmiklar tilskipanir um að vera laus við allt sem bindur ykkur og stendur í vegi fyrir sigri ykkar. Tilskipanir ykkar ná hámarki þegar þær fela í sér áköll um frelsi allra á jörðinni okkar og jafnvel bjargræði alls heimsins. Dagleg áköll til Míkaels erkiengils um vernd og krafta hans í trúfestu og hollustu við vilja Guðs tryggir vernd þeirra sem ganga fram í nafni hans og þjónustu sem verndarar trúarinnar.

Andlegir nemar geta líka kallað á Míkael erkiengil til að sveipa sig hulu ósýnileikans og ósigranleikans sem ekkert vinnur á og beðið um að vera íklæddir hinni voldugu bláu brynju þegar þeir leggja til atlögu við illskuna. Mikael erkiengill er liður í bræðralagi ljósbera þekkt sem „Skjaldberar“. Félagar eru til þjónust reiðubúnir allan sólarhringinn til varnar Krists-ímyndinni í hverjum manni, konu og barni í þessum heimi.

Archangel Michael vinnur bug á Satan, Guido Reni (1635)

Þjónusta Mikaels erkiengils

Erkiengillinn Michael er okkur mjög sérstakur engill. Hann, með ljóshersveitum sínum, hefur helgað sig í þúsundir og þúsundir ára öryggi, öryggi, fullkomnun sálar okkar og vernd okkar; umhyggja fyrir okkur, styrkja okkur, ávíta okkur, kenna okkur veg heilags vilja Guðs, gefa okkur að skilja að við höfum hvert um sig teikningu í lífinu, að við höfum guðlega áætlun. Svo blíður og svo nálægur er kærleikur Guðs til okkar, og hann lætur okkur vita sérstaklega á persónulegan hátt í gegnum engla sína.

The Goddess of Liberty says: “Archangel Michael is at your side and does answer your call and does answer it best when you keep a daily momentum” of prayers to him. “Your call for help will be answered instantaneously when you have built this momentum.”[3] Archangel Michael has made the commitment to each and every one of us that if we will give our decrees and songs to him for twenty minutes each day, he will keep an angel with us until the hour of our victory.

Archangel Michael also offers to give us his momentum of faith, as he says, “Give me your doubts. Give me your questionings. I will indeed give you my faith. And my faith is a power to transform and direct into the world the great blue-lightning love of the infinite Father of all. This power and this faith is real.”[4]

Sometimes all that is necessary for us to successfully pass through a difficult moment of testing is to know that we have friends of light who are upholding us and praying for our overcoming. However, when an archangel offers his faith to humanity, it is our responsibility to accept his gift, invoke his flame and his intercession, and make it a part of our lives. He says, “When sight is obtained, of what need is faith? It is not I who need faith then—except to give it away—but it is you who require it.”[5]

In most cases, the battle of life is not won on momentous decisions but on the little day-to-day experiences whereby, when you turn your heart to God in faith and trust, you receive the grace that cuts you free from the negative aspects of life in which your consciousness has momentarily become trapped. We can visualize the pathway of faith as a “mighty shimmering ribbon of light substance connecting the individual with his God Presence.”[6] Sometimes a simple thoughtform like this is all that will be needed to free us from the negative facets of life.

Dispensations from Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael has offered us another great gift from his heart of love—a dispensation given in Boston on April 22, 1961:

Blessed and beloved ones, some of you are of advancing years, and it will not be long before you shall vacate your body temples. Some of you shall do so by the ascension and some shall enter the realms of our world in the other manner called death.... I will make you one promise: If you will call to me secretly within your heart and ask me to come to you at that hour, I, Michael, will materialize to you at the hour of your passing and you will see me as I AM. And I will promise you that I will help to cut you free from the remaining portions of your karma and will help you to enter the realms of light with less of the attendant pain that results from human fear in their passing.

This is a privilege and a gift I give you from my heart. I flood it forth to the people of Boston and to those throughout the world who have the faith to accept and to realize that God walks and talks with men today in the same manner as of old. I AM Michael, Prince of the Archangels, rendering for the earth a cosmic service.[7]

Archangel Michael released the following dispensation in 1992:

In the name of Almighty God, I, Archangel Michael, assign to each and every one of you a member of my legions, one single mighty angel who shall stay with you as long as you give the call to Archangel Michael and any of our decrees to Archangel Michael for twenty minutes each day. So long as you sustain that which is the absolute minimum requirement of the Great Law, this angel of my bands shall not leave you until the hour of your ascension in the Light.[8]

He reiterated the request for twenty minutes of decrees each day in 1994:

By the power of the Great Causal Body of Faith, I am sealing you. I seal you out of my own heart flame, and I guarantee your protection if you will not fail to call to me, giving my decrees at least twenty minutes each day. And when you give all the decrees and songs on either Archangel Michael cassette, inserting your fiats for the nations and all souls of Light, you will find such extraordinary intercession in your lives through the legions in my command as to make you wonder why you had never locked in to that decree momentum before.[9]


Main article: Temple of Faith and Protection

Archangel Michael’s etheric retreat is in the Canadian Rockies at Banff, near Lake Louise. He also has a focus of light over Central Europe. His keynote is “The Navy Hymn” (“Eternal Father, Strong to Save”). The music of the “Bridal Chorus” from Lohengrin may also be used to invoke the radiance of the archangels and the angelic hosts.

Archangel Michael is the sponsor of police departments and law enforcement agencies around the world.

See also

For the cosmic being Faith, see Faith, Hope and Charity.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Michael and Faith.”

  1. Dan. 12:1.
  2. Rev. 12:7–9.
  3. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “How Angels Help You to Protect Yourself and Those You Love,” February 21, 1993.
  4. Archangel Michael, “Hail, Children of the White-Fire Sun,” July 4, 1971.
  5. Archangel Michael, “When the Heart Cries Out to God,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 13, no. 35, August 30, 1970.
  6. Ibid.
  7. Archangel Michael, “A Divine Mediatorship,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 45, November 7, 1982.
  8. Archangel Michael, “Meet Us Halfway” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 50, November 8, 1992.
  9. Archangel Michael, “Take Opportunity!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 37, no. 41, October 9, 1994.