Violet-flame dispensations from Omri-Tas/es: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "<blockquote>Deseamos purificar esta costa de los registros de infamia y rebelión, de odio a la Madre y egoísmo de sus hijos… Damos comienzo a una acción de llama violeta...")
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<blockquote>Deseamos purificar esta costa de los registros de infamia y rebelión, de odio a la Madre y egoísmo de sus hijos… Damos comienzo a una acción de llama violeta aquí, en el corazón de la ciudad de Los Ángeles y aquí, en el corazón de la Madre y los devotos que irán alrededor del círculo de fuego, alrededor de toda la frontera de Lemuria, consumiendo, consumiendo con la luz todopoderosa de la llama violeta transmutadora los registros del abuso de la luz del amor en obediencia Divina…</blockquote>  
<blockquote>Deseamos purificar esta costa de los registros de infamia y rebelión, de odio a la Madre y egoísmo de sus hijos… Damos comienzo a una acción de llama violeta aquí, en el corazón de la ciudad de Los Ángeles y aquí, en el corazón de la Madre y los devotos que irán alrededor del círculo de fuego, alrededor de toda la frontera de Lemuria, consumiendo, consumiendo con la luz todopoderosa de la llama violeta transmutadora los registros del abuso de la luz del amor en obediencia Divina…</blockquote>  

<blockquote>Now I raise my arms for the release of sacred fire into the depths of the Pacific at that point where the [[seven holy Kumaras]] released the flame of Mother and the rising action. So we penetrate to the ocean floors of the planet the release of the violet flame for the rebalancing of energies and conditions in earth, in water, in air and throughout the etheric plane.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Ahora levanto los brazos para emitir el fuego sagrado hacia las profundidades del Pacífico, en ese punto donde los siete santos Kumaras emitieron la llama de la Madre y la acción de elevación. Así, penetramos en los suelos oceánicos del planeta para emitir la llama violeta para el reequilibrio de las energías y las condiciones en la tierra, en el agua, en el aire y por todo el plano etérico.</blockquote>

== Inauguration of the Aquarian age. Alpha cycle of the violet flame ==
== Inauguration of the Aquarian age. Alpha cycle of the violet flame ==

Revision as of 14:33, 19 April 2020

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A lo largo de los años Omri-Tas ha entregado dispensaciones específicas de llama violeta para ayudar a los chelas de Saint Germain y levantar la Tierra. Podemos llamar a Omri-Tas para reactivar y multiplicar esas dispensaciones:

Las esferas de llama violeta

Omri-Tas apareció en la Clase de la Libertad de 1963, en la ciudad de Washington, y emitió bolas de llama violeta en la atmósfera de la Tierra desde el corazón del Planeta Violeta. Los mensajeros y los estudiantes las vieron en el cielo, sobre la ciudad. Podemos llamar a Omri-Tas para que haga rodar las bolas de llama violeta cada vez que una acción concentrada de fuego sagrado sea necesaria a escala planetaria (por ejemplo, para sofocar una sublevación, la guerra o la histeria de masas).

La limpieza del chakra del alma y la purificación de la Costa Oeste de los Estados Unidos con la llama violeta

El 9 de octubre de 1976 Omri-Tas vino para limpiar el chakra de la sede del alma de Terra, de los Estados Unidos y de cada alma de la Tierra. El anunció:

Deseamos purificar esta costa de los registros de infamia y rebelión, de odio a la Madre y egoísmo de sus hijos… Damos comienzo a una acción de llama violeta aquí, en el corazón de la ciudad de Los Ángeles y aquí, en el corazón de la Madre y los devotos que irán alrededor del círculo de fuego, alrededor de toda la frontera de Lemuria, consumiendo, consumiendo con la luz todopoderosa de la llama violeta transmutadora los registros del abuso de la luz del amor en obediencia Divina…

Ahora levanto los brazos para emitir el fuego sagrado hacia las profundidades del Pacífico, en ese punto donde los siete santos Kumaras emitieron la llama de la Madre y la acción de elevación. Así, penetramos en los suelos oceánicos del planeta para emitir la llama violeta para el reequilibrio de las energías y las condiciones en la tierra, en el agua, en el aire y por todo el plano etérico.

Inauguration of the Aquarian age. Alpha cycle of the violet flame

On December 29, 1976, Omri-Tas came with legions of violet-flame angels and priests and priestesses of the sacred fire for the inauguration of the Aquarian cycle

... by the release of the violet flame from the very heart of the Violet Planet.... We come to take up residence on Terra for the age of Aquarius and for the bringing in of that age.... We will make our abode in the residence of the Lord of the World ... and we will stand with Terra until the turning of the cycles and the turning of the age....

Angels of the Violet Planet and priestesses of the sacred fire, together with the mighty hosts, the one hundred and forty-four thousand priests who yet hold the focus in the heart of the Violet Planet, have begun that ritual of saturating the earth plane with the action of the violet flame that is for the purpose of the transmutation of millions of years of the qualification of energy on Terra.... We come, then, to introduce the age of ritual, of science and of alchemy.

Omri-Tas also gave the following promise:

From the point of Alpha at Shamballa I will stand, then, to release my light into the heart of the Mother, into the hearts of all who would be Mother, into the hearts of all Keepers of the Flame. And each morning with the first ray of the dawn that caresses the face and the heart of the devotee, I will send forth the electric spark, the current of the Alpha cycle of the violet flame. And in that moment, you may catch that spark and be and receive the Omega return and therefore be unto me throughout the twenty-four-hour cycle the Omega counterpart of the Alpha-concentrated energies, which I place now upon the altar of Shamballa.

Multiplication of 15 minutes of violet flame

On July 6, 1984, Omri-Tas announced a dispensation for the multiplication of our decrees to the violet flame:

If in all reverence, with inner attunement, a sense of yourself in your Christ Self as priest or priestess of the sacred fire, if with all your heart and deep within your heart you will take, then, fifteen minutes each day to give profound and loving invocations to the violet flame in my name (and please remember to use my name, for I am the one from whose causal body this dispensation comes), then we will take that offering, measure for measure as it is devoted, as it is profound and sincere, the very weight of its power and light. Therefore, by the quality of it, quality for quality, it shall be multiplied in your life ten times!

Violet-flame reservoir over central Europe

On February 26, 1988, in a dictation given in Lisbon, Portugal, Omri-Tas announced the dispensation of a violet flame reservoir positioned over central Europe:

It is a very large reservoir of light as a sea in itself; and this light, beloved, is there for you to invoke as a direct transfusion to all lightbearers of Europe, Eastern Europe and the entire Soviet bloc.... When you invoke the violet flame, it will draw forth the light of this reservoir and also maximize it, fortify it, multiply it by your own love and devotion. And therefore, that light shall flow to every lightbearer in these lands. And as it does flow to them, it shall quicken them, it shall cut them free, it shall therefore transmute their spiritual and physical blindness as to those events coming....

This reservoir is a certain dispensation. If those Keepers of the Flame in embodiment do not make the violet-flame call daily, then this reservoir will come to be used up in its entirety, apportioned, then, among all lightbearers. But if the call continues to be given, the reservoir shall be like the unfed flame. It shall not fail. It shall remain full, and all that goes out of it shall be returned unto it multiplied by your call.

Violet-flame sea of light

On May 1, 1991, in Portland, Oregon, Omri-Tas announced the unprecedented dispensation of the violet-flame sea of light:

I deposit in the heart of the earth a dispensation immense of concentrated violet flame. It is an intercession of the quality of mercy. It is an intercession afforded to all those who serve the light. And through your Holy Christ Self, it shall be meted out as an unguent, as an elixir. May you drink of it in your hours of need and in your hours of strength and keep it replenished by new calls to the violet flame. It is a giant violet-flame reservoir, as a sea of light pulsating.

Omri-Tas to be present on earth on the third of each month

Main article: Omri-Tas and Saint Germain’s Day

On October 14, 1991, Omri-Tas announced a thirty-three-day dispensation in which he would remain on earth to “give us a boost” and multiply our violet-flame decrees. At the conclusion of the thirty-three days, Omri-Tas granted another tremendous dispensation. The messenger and chelas had written petitions to Omri-Tas, asking him to remain longer and offering pledges of violet-flame decrees.

In response, Omri-Tas said that he was profoundly moved by our offering, but that he could not remain on earth full-time. He said there were many other planets at a similar crossroads to that of earth who were in great need of his presence. However, he was so touched by the pledges of daily violet-flame decrees that he promised to return to earth on the third day of each month. That is the day when walls of violet flame can come down, and we can be directly in the Electronic Presence of Omri-Tas.

See also

Violet flame



Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Omri-Tas.”