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Cover of the first edition of The Communist Manifesto (London, February 1848)

In Marxist theory, Socialism is a system of society in which there is no private property, a system in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state. Communism is a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production with a professed aim of establishing a stateless society. In the final stage, the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equally. Goods are owned in common and available to all as needed.

In this theory socialism is a transitional state between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done. Communism itself exists nowhere and is a theory that has never worked. The former Soviet Union was in fact, a Socialist state.

Those who would implement the plan of God for the true brotherhood of man should recognize that the philosophy of World Communism is a counterfeit of the Golden-Age culture.


Main article: Dialectical materialism

Communism in its modern form is based on Karl Marx’s adaptation of the Hegelian dialectic to the study of history. Marx proposed that the study of man could be reduced to purely material considerations and that economic systems were the primary determinant in relationships between men. Marx adapted the dialectic of Hegel in his statement that “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles,”[1] and his concept that all social order founded on class division has within it the seeds of its own destruction until a classless society emerges. Revolution becomes a tool to this end, if necessary.

With the classless society as the absolute goal, history is said to be leading civilization to an inevitable structure where all personal, educational, social and environmental differences are leveled to a predetermined state of so-called equality. Such a state would bring to a halt the operation of the law of karma. Thus, for all intents and purposes, it would preclude the possibility of individuals and nations making spiritual progress, for karma is indeed the great teacher of mankind.

Spiritual consequences

Communism interferes with man’s freedom to choose his way of life, to mold his destiny or to become what God intends him to be. His only choice is to make himself an instrument of the state. He must tear down his individuality and then rebuild it according to the image of the state. His destiny is to serve and glorify the state.

The Communist state, as the supreme master of its citizens, precludes the possibility of the individual attaining self-mastery, unless he is an extraordinarily strong spirit. For it destroys his will, his creativity, his self-respect—and above all, his opportunity to take his place in the hierarchical scheme to fill his position in the mandala of the golden-age culture.

Communist doctrine makes no provision for man to evolve spiritually while he builds the foundation for the golden age. And most importantly, it denies his opportunity to work out his karma within the framework of an economy that allows him to rise according to his own effort.

Unless man is free to work out his salvation (his karma) with pain and suffering,[2] if necessary, there can be no real brotherhood. For brotherhood is based on the soul’s realization that “yes, I am my brother’s keeper—not because the state forces me to be, but because even as the Father is in me, so am I in every son of God.” Communism destroys the basic union of the soul between God and man, and between man and man. Thus, it cannot bring about true brotherhood under the Fatherhood of God.

Saint Germain has said:

If I should summarize ... the greatest dangers upon earth, I should say that in the macrocosmic sense it is undoubtedly World Communism—fed, ignited, increased by world monopoly capitalism and the banking houses. And secondly, I would say that the false hierarch of oneself, the dweller-on-the-threshold, is the greatest single threat to world freedom when we are dealing with that synthetic self of our best servants.[3]

Christian brotherhood the antidote to Communism

The Master Morya comments:

It was due to the lack of Christian brotherhood in action that Communism was spawned upon the world scene. It will be the institution of a genuine and penetrating faith that crosses the lines of religious idealism, dogma, creed and class distinction that will prove to be the universally needed solvent to vitalize and magnify the expansion of world brotherhood.[4]

Alexander Gaylord and Chananda, speaking of a future “Community of the Spirit” where individual dignity will be upheld by the light of its own divinity, foretell that the time will come when

... Communistic and Socialistic doctrines will be stripped of their false veneer and revealed to be—as, in reality, they are—methods that were evolved humanly as the result of the intellectual rebellion on the part of their founders against their own personal karma.

The spiritual community of the enlightened will expound the real democracy of the new republic, wherein the nobility of life in its God-intended expression is its own acknowledged reward. No one will expect to be given honors or rights he does not deserve; neither will anyone expect to deny to others their just opportunity to expand their understanding, test their spirituality or pursue life, liberty and true happiness to the fullest.[5]

See also

For more information

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of Brotherhood, Section V, “World Communism: Counterfeit of the Golden Age Culture.”


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 9, 1978.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of Brotherhood, pp. 101, 103–05.

  1. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party, trans. Samuel Moore, part 1.
  2. Phil. 2:12.
  3. Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48, no. 42, October 9, 2005.
  4. El Morya, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 6, no. 7, February 15, 1963.
  5. Chananda and Alexander Gaylord, Keepers of the Flame Lesson 5, pp. 15–20.