Order of the Golden Lily

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The Order of the Golden Lily is a spiritual order established by the Goddess of Liberty, spokesman for the Karmic Board, on July 7, 1963. She placed the symbol of the golden lily as the “insignia of divine service” and the “inner symbol of Saint Germain’s fleur-de-lis” over the heart of those who would help her “lift the torch for mankind” both in and out of embodiment.

Those initiated into this holy order have the opportunity and responsibility to invoke the intercession of the hosts of the LORD for the illumination and cutting free of souls of light trapped on the astral plane—especially those passing through the transition called death—that they might be safely escorted to the octaves of light and the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. Keepers of the Flame gather each Friday night for the Ascension Service to fulfill this commitment.

In her dictation the Goddess of Liberty said:

I urge everyone who wears this golden lily upon their heart to recognize that they have my power. And if you will in consciousness call unto me and to your own mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self and recognize that you are one who lifts the lamp of light in order to be a wayshower to mankind, both those who are here below and those who are in the psychic and astral realms, you will realize that you are working with the Angels of Deliverance and with Archangel Michael.

See also

Ascension Service


Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no. 2, January 8, 1984.

Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 42, October 15, 1989.