Templo do Conforto

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O 'Templo do Conforto' é o retiro de Maha Chohan no reino etérico sobre a ilha de Sri Lanka (anteriormente conhecido como Ceilão). Tem um foco físico em uma grande casa com vista para uma plantação de chá.

Portraits of the seven chohans hang in the room where the flame of the Holy Spirit is focused. Through their portrait focuses, these ascended masters radiate the complementary qualities of the seven rays they direct on behalf of the evolutions of earth. The council chamber where the seven chohans meet with the Maha Chohan is in this retreat, the headquarters for their joint service to earth.

In the central altar of the retreat is the comfort flame. In an adjoining flame room, there is anchored in a crystal chalice bordered with crystal doves a white flame, tinged in pink, with gold at its base, emitting a powerful radiance of divine love. Angels carry the emanations of these flames to the four corners of the earth to the hearts of all who yearn for comfort and purity from the Father-Mother God.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Temple of Comfort.”