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Mapa mostrando a Lemúria em sua maior extensão, de A História da Atlântida e a Lemúria Perdida, de W. Scott Elliot. Os mapas deste livro foram baseados em originais que o teosofista Charles W. Leadbeater havia estudado nos retiros dos mestres.  
Map showing Lemuria in a later time period, from The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria. According to Scott-Elliot, a series of cataclysms preceded the final sinking of the continent.
Map showing Atlantis at its greatest extent and a smaller Lemurian continent in what is now the Pacific Ocean, from The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria.
Map of Lemuria from The Lost Continent of Mu, by James Churchward (1927). This map, based on Churchward’s reading of ancient texts, shows the continent of Lemuria as it was before its final destruction.

Mu, or Lemuria, was the lost continent of the Pacific, which, according to the findings of James Churchward, archaeologist and author of The Lost Continent of Mu, extended from north of Hawaii three thousand miles south to Easter Island and the Fijis and was made up of three areas of land stretching more than five thousand miles from east to west.

Churchward’s history of the ancient Motherland is based on records inscribed on sacred tablets he claims to have discovered in India. With the help of the high priest of an Indian temple, he deciphered the tablets. During fifty years of research he confirmed their contents in further writings, inscriptions, and legends he came upon in Southeast Asia, the Yucatan, Central America, the Pacific islands, Mexico, North America, ancient Egypt and other civilizations. He estimates that Mu was destroyed approximately twelve thousand years ago by the collapse of the gas chambers that upheld the continent.

The culture of the Mother

The cult of the Mother, destined to come into prominence in the twentieth century, was the foundation of the civilization of Lemuria—that lost continent that sank beneath the Pacific Ocean many thousands of years ago. The evolution of life in the Motherland and her colonies represented the initial thrust of Spirit into Matter on this planet. Here, where the early root races completed the cycles of their divine plan during not one but several golden ages that reached their apex prior to the Fall of man, the masculine ray (the descending spirals of Spirit) was realized through the feminine ray (the ascending spirals of Matter) in the world of form.

In the main temple of Mu, the flame of the Divine Mother was enshrined as the coordinate of the flame of the Divine Father focused in the Golden City of the Sun. Perpetuating the ancient rituals of invocation to the Logos and intonation of sacred sounds and mantras of the Word, priests and priestesses of the sacred fire held the balance of cosmic forces on behalf of the lifewaves of the planet. Throughout the far-flung colonies of Mu, replicas of the temple and its flame-focus were established as shrines of the Virgin consciousness, thereby creating between the earth and the sun an arc of light, anchored in the flame below and the flame above, which conveyed the energies of the Logos necessary for the precipitation of form and substance in the planes of Matter.

Far beyond our own meager accomplishments, the great advances in technology made during centuries of continuous culture on Mu were brought forth through a universal at-one-ment with the Divine Mother, whose consciousness embraces the laws governing all manifestation in the earth plane. The accomplishments in every field of endeavor of a people dedicated to the plan of God revealed through his All-Seeing Eye show to what heights a civilization can rise when the Mother flame is honored and adored in every heart and guarded and expanded in shrines dedicated to her name. And it becomes clear that man’s fall from grace was, in actuality, the result of his falling away from the cult of the Mother and his misuse of the energies of the seed atom focused in the base-of-the-spine chakra, which establishes the light of the Mother flame in the physical body.

The Fall of man on Lemuria

The fall of Mu, then, was the direct result of the Fall of man, which reached its lowest point in the desecration of the shrines to the Cosmic Virgin. This came about gradually through compromise with Principle, separation from the Holy Ghost, and the loss of vision that inevitably results therefrom. Blinded by ambition and self-love, priests and priestesses no longer tended the flames; forsaking their vows, they abandoned the practice of those sacred rituals that had remained unbroken for thousands of years—even as the holy angels keep perpetual watch over the unfed flame that burns upon the altar of the Most High God.

The worship of the Moon Mother, the Great Whore mentioned in the Book of Revelation,[1] replaced the worship of the Sun Mother, the Woman whom John saw “clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.”[2] A black crystal set in lead and stone became the focus for the perversion of the Mother ray and the symbol of the new religion. One by one the inner circles of the temple orders were violated through the diabolical practice of black magic and phallic worship taught by the Luciferians, until a completely false theology wiped out the pristine patterns of the Mother Cult.

Life on the continent of Mu was further corrupted by aliens and fallen angels with their grotesque genetic miscreations, mocking the Godhead and violating the sacred science of the Mother by engaging men in wars of the gods.

The sinking of Lemuria

By and by the early rumblings of cataclysm were heard by the inhabitants of Mu. The altars of the most remote colonies were the first to topple. When the last strongholds—the twelve temples surrounding the main temple—were taken over by the Satanists, the momentum of light invoked by the remnant of the faithful was not great enough to hold the balance for the continent.

Thus Mu finally sank by the sheer weight of Darkness that her children had invoked—and which, because their deeds were evil, they had come to love more than the Light. She went down in a horrendous mass of volcanic fire and exploding lava, and the flame focuses that had sustained a mighty people and a mighty civilization were no more. What had taken hundreds of thousands of years to build up was torn down in a cosmic interval—the achievements of an entire civilization lost in oblivion, the spiritual-material evolution of man stripped from his outer memory!

The loss of the Mother flame

Devastating though that cataclysm was for millions of souls, of far greater consequence was the destruction of the focus of the Mother flame that had blazed on the altar of the main temple—a life-giving fire, the insignia of each man’s Divinity made manifest as Above, so below. Alas, the torch that had been passed was let fall to the ground. The strategies of the fallen ones, who had worked night and day with a fanatical zeal, were successful in accomplishing their end: the Mother flame was extinguished on the physical plane.

For a time it looked as though the Darkness had completely enveloped the Light. Beholding the defection of the race, cosmic councils voted to dissolve the planet whose people had forsaken their God; and this would have been its fate had Sanat Kumara not interceded, offering to exile himself from Hesperus (Venus) in order to keep the flame on behalf of mankind and hold the balance of the Light for Terra until such time as mankind should return to the pure and undefiled religion[3] of their ancient forebears.

Although the physical focus of the Mother flame was lost when Mu went down, the feminine ray has been enshrined on the etheric plane by the God and Goddess Meru in their temple at Lake Titicaca.

Paradise lost

The souls who perished with the Motherland reembodied upon a naked earth. Their paradise lost, they roamed the sands whose atoms were etched with the edict of the LORD God “Cursed is the ground for thy sake....”[4] Having no recall of their former estate and no tie thereto—for they lacked the Flame—they reverted to a primitive existence. Through disobedience to the laws of God, they forfeited their self-mastery, their right to dominion, and their knowledge of the I AM Presence. Their threefold flame was reduced to a mere flicker and the lights in their body temples went out.[5]

Man, no longer found in the image of the Christ, became one of the species (Homo sapiens), an animal among other animals, his God-potential sealed for a thousand days of cosmic history. Thus began the tortuous trek of evolution that has brought civilization to its present level and which is intended to culminate in a golden age of Christ-mastery and full God-realization.

See also

Golden age

For more information

For additional teaching on Lemuria and its fall, see Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Higher Self, volume 1 of the Climb the Highest Mountain® series, pp. 60–78, 411–14.

See also James Churchward, The Lost Continent of Mu (1931; reprint, New York: Paperback Library Edition, 1968).

H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Vols. I and II, (Pasadena, Ca.: Theosophical University Press, 1888, 1963), check index for references to Lemuria.


Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31, no. 26, June 12 1988.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Higher Self, volume 1 of the Climb the Highest Mountain® series, pp. 411–14.

  1. Rev. 17:1.
  2. Rev. 12:1.
  3. James 1:27.
  4. Gen. 3:17.
  5. The flame-focuses in the chakras were withdrawn to the heart and the Elohim assumed the responsibility for the natural functioning of the chakras—the distribution of light to the four lower bodies.