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Found 3 translations.

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 h English (en)The '''“Call to the Fire Breath”''' is the invocation of the [[Goddess of Purity]] given to the devotees of the [[Holy Spirit]]. It is for the balancing of the elements of fire, air, water and earth in the [[four lower bodies]] and for the setting of the soul in balanced contact with its own divine counterpart, the [[I AM THAT I AM]].
 h Spanish (es)La '''“Llamada al Aliento de Fuego”''' es la invocación de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Purity|Diosa de la Pureza]] dada a los devotos del [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|Espíritu Santo]]. Es para el equilibrio de los elementos de fuego, aire, agua y tierra en los [[Special:MyLanguage/four lower bodies|cuatro cuerpos inferiores]] y para poner el alma en contacto equilibrado con su propia contraparte divina, el [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM THAT I AM|YO SOY EL QUE SOY]].
 h Icelandic (is)'''"Ákallið til hinnar eldlegu öndunar"''' er ákall [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Purity|gyðju hreinleikans]] til unnenda [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|heilags anda]]. Það er til að koma jafnvægi á frumþætti elds, lofts, vatns og jarðar í [[Special:MyLanguage/four lower bodies|fjórum lægri líkömunum]] og til að koma sálinni í jafnvægi við sína eigin guðlegu hliðstæðu, [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM THAT I AM|ÉG ER SÁ SEM ÉG ER]].