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Found 8 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)The diagram of the [[Macrocosm]] illustrates the interaction of the planes of [[Spirit]] and [[Matter]] within the Cosmic Egg. The yolk represents the planes of Spirit-form and Matter-form, and the white represents the planes of Spirit-formless and Matter-formless.
 h Spanish (es)El diagrama del [[Special:MyLanguage/Macrocosm|Macrocosmos]] ilustra la interacción de los planos del [[Special:MyLanguage/Spirit|Espíritu]] y la [[Special:MyLanguage/Matter|Materia]] dentro del Huevo Cósmico. La yema representa los planos de la forma del Espíritu y la Materia, y la clara representa los planos sin forma del Espíritu y la Materia.
 h French (fr)[[Special:MyLanguage/Macrocosm|macrocosme]]
 h Hindi (hi)[[Special:MyLanguage/Macrocosm|ब्रह्माण्ड]] (Macrocosm) का मानचित्र ब्रह्मांडीय अंडे के भीतर [[Special:MyLanguage/Spirit|आत्मा]] और [[Special:MyLanguage/Matter|पदार्थ]] के स्तरों की परस्पर क्रिया को दर्शाता है। जर्दी (अंडे का पीला भाग) आत्मा और पदार्थ के आकृति स्तरों को दर्शाती है, और अंडे का सफेद भाग आत्मा और पदार्थ के निराकार स्तरों को दर्शाता है।
 h Icelandic (is)Skýringarmyndin af [[Special:MyLanguage/Macrocosm|alheiminum]] sýnir samspil [[Special:MyLanguage/Spirit|anda]]- og [[Special:MyLanguage/Matter|efnis]]sviðanna innan kosmíska eggsins. Eggjarauðan táknar formsvið anda og efnis og eggjahvítan táknar formlaus svið anda og efnis.
 h Polish (pl)Diagram [[Special:MyLanguage/Macrocosm|Makrokosmosu]] ilustruje interakcję płaszczyzn [[Special:MyLanguage/Spirit|Ducha]] i [[Special:MyLanguage/Matter|Materii]] w Kosmicznym Jaju. Żółtko reprezentuje płaszczyzny ducha-formy i materii-formy, a biel reprezentuje płaszczyzny ducha-bez formy i materii-bez formy.
 h Portuguese (pt)O diagrama do [[Special:MyLanguage/Macrocosm|Macrocosmo]] ilustra a interação dos planos do [[Special:MyLanguage/Spirit|Espírito]] e da [[Special:MyLanguage/Matter|Matéria]] dentro do Ovo Cósmico. A gema representa os planos da forma do Espírito e da forma da matéria, e a clara representa os planos do espírito sem forma e da matéria sem forma.
 h Message documentation (qqq)Insert Spanish text when The Masters and the Spiritual Path is published in Spanish.