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 h English (en)Many beings of the heavenly hierarchy are named in the [[Book of Revelation]]. Apart from the false hierarchy of [[Antichrist]], including the reprobate angels, some of the members of the [[Great White Brotherhood]] accounted for by [[Jesus]] are [[Alpha and Omega]], the Seven Spirits, the angels of the seven churches, the [[four and twenty elders]], the [[four beasts]], the saints robed in white, the [[two witnesses]], the [[Lord of the World|God of the Earth]], the [[Woman clothed with the Sun]] and her [[Manchild]], [[Archangel Michael]] and his angels, [[the Lamb]] and his wife, the one hundred and forty-four thousand who have the Father’s name written in their foreheads, the angel of the [[Everlasting Gospel]], the seven angels (i.e., the Archangels of the [[seven rays]]) which stood before God, the [[Mighty Angel Clothed with a Cloud|angel clothed with a cloud and a rainbow upon his head]], the seven thunders, the Faithful and True and his armies, and him that sat upon the great white throne.
 h Spanish (es)Muchos seres de la jerarquía celestial están nombrados en el [[Special:MyLanguage/Book of Revelation|libro del Apocalipsis]]. Aparte de la falsa jerarquía del [[Special:MyLanguage/Antichrist|Anticristo]], que incluye a los ángeles réprobos, algunos de los miembros de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Gran Hermandad Blanca]] de quienes [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesús]] da cuenta son [[Special:MyLanguage/Alpha and Omega|Alfa y Omega]], los Siete Espíritus, los ángeles de las siete iglesias, los [[Special:MyLanguage/Four and twenty elders|Veinticuatro Ancianos]], las [[Special:MyLanguage/Four beasts|cuatro bestias]], los santos con vestiduras blancas, los [[Special:MyLanguage/Two witnesses|Dos Testigos]], el [[Special:MyLanguage/Lord of the World|Dios de la Tierra]], la [[Special:MyLanguage/Woman clothed with the Sun|Mujer vestida del Sol]] y su [[Special:MyLanguage/Manchild|Hijo-Varón]], el [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Michael|Arcángel Miguel]] y sus ángeles, [[Special:MyLanguage/The Lamb|el Cordero]] y su esposa, los ciento cuarenta y cuatro mil que llevan el nombre del Padre escrito en la frente, el ángel del [[Special:MyLanguage/Everlasting Gospel|Evangelio Eterno]], los siete ángeles (esto es, los Arcángeles de los [[Special:MyLanguage/Seven rays|siete rayos]]) delante de Dios, el [[Special:MyLanguage/Mighty Angel Clothed with a Cloud|ángel vestido de nube y con un arco iris sobre la frente]], los siete truenos, el Fiel y Verdadero y sus ejércitos, y aquel que se sentó en el gran trono blanco.
 h Hindi (hi)स्वर्गीय पदक्रम (Heavenly Hierarchy) के कई जीवों के नाम [[Special:MyLanguage/Book of Revelation|बुक ऑफ़ रेवेलशन]] (Book of Revelation) में दिए गए हैं। [[Special:MyLanguage/Antichrist|आत्मिक चेतना के शत्रु]] (Antichrist) और पथभ्रष्ट स्वर्गदूतों के झूठे पदक्रम (False Hierarchy) के अलावा [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|ईसा मसीह]] द्वारा बताए गए [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|श्वेत महासंघ]] (Great White Brotherhood) के कुछ सदस्यों के नाम ये हैं: [[Special:MyLanguage/Alpha and Omega|अल्फा और ओमेगा]] (Alpha and Omega), सात आत्माएं (Seven Spirits) हैं, सात ईश्वरीय संस्थाओं के देवदूत (the angels of the seven churches), [[Special:MyLanguage/four and twenty elders|चौबीस अध्यात्मिक गुरु]] (four and twenty elders), [[Special:MyLanguage/four beasts|जानवर रुपी ऊर्जा वाले चार पशु]] (four beasts), सफेद वस्त्र पहने हुए संत (saints robed in white), [[Special:MyLanguage/two witnesses|दो ईश्वरीय गवाह]] (two witnesses), [[Special:MyLanguage/Lord of the World|पृथ्वी के स्वामी]] (Lord of the World), [[Special:MyLanguage/Woman clothed with the Sun|सूर्य के प्रकाश में लुप्त ईश्वरीय स्त्री स्वरूप]] (Woman clothed with the Sun) और उसका [[Special:MyLanguage/Manchild|बालपुरुष]] (manchild), [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Michael|महादेवदूत माइकल]] (Archangel Michael) और उनके देवदूत, [[Special:MyLanguage/the lamb|मेमना रुपी आत्मा ]] (the lamb) और उसकी पत्नी (जीव आत्मा), एक सौ चवालीस हज़ार जीवात्माएं (hundred and forty-four thousand) जिनके माथे पर ईश्वरीय स्वरूप का नाम लिखा हुआ है , [[Special:MyLanguage/Everlasting Gospel|अनंत काल तक प्रचलित सत्य]] (Everlasting Gospel) के दूत, सात देवदूत (अर्थात [[Special:MyLanguage/seven rays|सात किरणों]] के महादेवदूत)  [[Special:MyLanguage/Mighty Angel Clothed with a Cloud|बादलों में लुप्त शक्तिशाली देवदूत जिनके मस्तक चारों ओर से सात आध्यात्मिक रंगों से प्रकाशमान हैं]] (Mighty Angel Clothed with a Cloud|angel clothed with a cloud and a rainbow upon his head), सात गर्जनों की गड़गड़ाहट (seven thunders) और वह जो महान सफेद सिंहासन पर बैठे हुए हैं।
 h Icelandic (is)Margar verur hins himneska helgivalds eru nefndar í [[Special:MyLanguage/Book of Revelation|Opinberunarbókinni]]. Að frátöldu hinu falska helgivaldi [[Special:MyLanguage/Antichrist|Antikrists]], þar á meðal hinum fordæmdu englum, má nefna aðila [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Stóra hvíta bræðralagsins]] sem [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesús]] greinir frá eru [[Special:MyLanguage/Alpha and Omega|Alfa og Ómega]], andarnir sjö, englar kirkjusafnaðanna sjö, [[Special:MyLanguage/four and twenty elders|hið tuttugu og fjögurra manna öldungaráð]], [[Special:MyLanguage/four beasts|dýrin fjögur]], hinir heilögu í hvítum klæðum, [[Special:MyLanguage/two witnesses|vitnin tvö]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Lord of the World|Drottinn heimsins|Guð jarðarinnar]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Woman clothed with the Sun|konan klædd sólinni]] og [[Special:MyLanguage/Manchild|mannsbarn hennar]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Michael|Mikael erkiengill]] og englar hans, [[Special:MyLanguage/the Lamb|lambið]] og kona hans, hinir hundrað fjörutíu og fjögur þúsund sem hafa nafn föðurins ritað á enni sér, engill hins [[Special:MyLanguage/Everlasting Gospel|Eilífa fagnaðarerindis]], englana sjö (þ.e. erkienglar hinna [[Special:MyLanguage/seven rays|sjö geisla]]) sem stóðu frammi fyrir Guði, [[Special:MyLanguage/Mighty Angel Clothed with a Cloud|engil klæddan skýi og regnboga á höfði sér]], þrumurnar sjö, hinn trúi og sanni og herskarar hans og sá sem sat í hvíta hásætinu mikla.
 h Polish (pl)Wiele istot niebiańskiej hierarchii jest wymienionych w [[Special:MyLanguage/Book of Revelation|Księdze Objawienia]]. Oprócz fałszywej hierarchii [[Special:MyLanguage/Antichrist|Antychrysta]], w tym potępionych aniołów, niektórzy członkowie [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Wielkiego Białego Bractwa]] rozliczani przez [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jezusa]] to [[Special:MyLanguage/Alpha and Omega|Alfa i Omega]], Siedem Duchów, aniołowie siedmiu kościołów, [[Special:MyLanguage/Four and twenty elders|czterech i dwudziestu starszych]], [[Special:MyLanguage/four beasts|cztery bestie]], święci w białych szatach, [[Special:MyLanguage/two witnesses|dwaj świadkowie]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Lord of the World|Bóg Ziemia]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Woman clothed with the Sun|Kobieta obleczona w Słońce]] i jej [[Special:MyLanguage/Manchild|Dziecko]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Michael|Archanioł Michał]] i jego aniołowie, [[Special:MyLanguage/Lamb|Baranek]] i jego żona, sto czterdzieści cztery tysięcy, którzy mają imię Ojca wypisane na czołach, anioła [[Special:MyLanguage/Everlasting Gospel|Wiecznej Ewangelii]], siedmiu aniołów siedmiu aniołów (tj. archaniołów [[Special:MyLanguage/seven rays|siedem promieni]]), którzy stali przed Bogiem, [[Mighty Angel Clothed with a Cloud|anioł odziany w obłok i tęczę na głowie]], siedem grzmotów, Wierny i Prawdziwy i jego armię oraz ten, który siedział na wielkim białym tronie.
 h Portuguese (pt)Muitos seres da hierarquia celestial são mencionados no [[Special:MyLanguage/Book of Revelation|Livro do Apocalipse]]. Além da falsa hierarquia do [[Special:MyLanguage/Antichrist|Anticristo]], incluindo os anjos réprobos, alguns dos membros da [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Grande Fraternidade Branca]] representados por [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Jesus]] são [[Special:MyLanguage/Alpha and Omega|Alfa e Ômega]], os Sete Espíritos, os anjos das sete igrejas, os [[Special:MyLanguage/four and twenty elders|vinte e quatro anciãos]], os [[Special:MyLanguage/four beasts|quatro seres viventes]], os santos vestidos de branco, as [[Special:MyLanguage/two witnesses|duas testemunhas]], o [[Special:MyLanguage/Lord of the World|Senhor do Mundo]], a [[Special:MyLanguage/Woman clothed with the Sun|Mulher vestida com o Sol]] e seu [[Special:MyLanguage/Manchild|Filho Varão]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Michael|Arcanjo Miguel]] e seus anjos, [[Special:MyLanguage/the Lamb|o Cordeiro]] e sua esposa, os cento e quarenta e quatro mil que têm o nome do Pai escrito em suas testas, o anjo do [[Special:MyLanguage/Everlasting Gospel|Evangelho Eterno]], os sete anjos (i.e., os Arcanjos dos [[Special:MyLanguage/seven rays|sete raios]]) que estavam diante de Deus, o [[Special:MyLanguage/Mighty Angel Clothed with a Cloud|anjo vestido com uma nuvem e um arco-íris sobre a cabeça]], os sete trovões, o Fiel e Verdadeiro e seus exércitos, e aquele que estava assentado no grande trono branco.
 h Russian (ru)Множество существ небесной Иерархии названо в [[Special:MyLanguage/Book of Revelation|«Книге Откровения»]]. [[Special:MyLanguage/Alpha and Omega|Альфа и Омега]]; Семеро Духов; ангелы семи церквей; [[Special:MyLanguage/four and twenty elders|Двадцать Четыре Старца]]; [[Special:MyLanguage/four beasts|четыре животных]]; святые, облаченные в белое; [[Special:MyLanguage/two witnesses|Два Свидетеля]]; [[Special:MyLanguage/Lord of the World|Бог Земли]]; [[Special:MyLanguage/Woman clothed with the Sun|Жена, облеченная в Солнце]], и ее [[Special:MyLanguage/Manchild|Сын-младенец]]; [[Special:MyLanguage/Archangel Michael|Архангел Михаил]] и его ангелы; [[Special:MyLanguage/The Lamb|Агнец]] и его жена; сто сорок четыре тысячи, на челе которых написано имя Отца; ангел [[Special:MyLanguage/Everlasting Gospel|Вечного Евангелия]]; семь ангелов (т.е. Архангелов [[Special:MyLanguage/seven rays|семи лучей]]), которые предстоят Богу; [[Special:MyLanguage/Mighty Angel Clothed with a Cloud|ангел, облеченный в облако с радугой над головою]]; семь громов; Верный и Истинный и его армии; Сидящий на великом белом престоле - все они являются членами [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Великого Белого Братства]], перечисленными [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus|Иисусом]] и противопоставленными ложной иерархии [[Special:MyLanguage/Antichrist|Антихриста]], включающей отверженных ангелов.