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Found 7 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)A council of the [[Great White Brotherhood]] consisting of [[ascended master]]s and unascended [[chela]]s headed up by [[El Morya]], its chief, headquartered in Darjeeling, India, at [[Temple of Good Will|the master’s etheric retreat]].
 h Spanish (es)Consejo de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Gran Hermandad Blanca]] compuesto por [[Special:MyLanguage/Ascended master|Maestros Ascendidos]] y [[Special:MyLanguage/Chela|chelas]] no ascendidos, encabezado por [[Special:MyLanguage/El Morya|El Morya]], su jefe. Su sede está en Darjeeling, India, en [[Special:MyLanguage/Temple of Good Will|el retiro etérico del Maestro]].
 h Hindi (hi)[[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|श्वेत महासभा]] (Great White Brotherhood) की एक महासभा जिसमें [[Special:MyLanguage/ascended master|दिव्यगुरु]] (ascended masters) और अदिव्य (unascended) [[Special:MyLanguage/chela|चेले]] (chelas) शामिल हैं, जिसका नेतृत्व [[Special:MyLanguage/El Morya|एल मोर्या]] (El Morya) करते हैं। इसका मुख्यालय [[Special:MyLanguage/Temple of Good Will|दिव्यगुरु का आकाशीय आश्रय स्थल]] (Temple of Good Will), दार्जिलिंग, भारत में है।
 h Icelandic (is)Ráð [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Stóra hvíta bræðralagsins]] sem samanstendur af [[Special:MyLanguage/ascended master|uppstignum meisturum]] og óuppstignum [[Special:MyLanguage/chela|chela-nemum]] undir forystu [[Special:MyLanguage/El Morya|El Morya]], yfirmanns þess, með höfuðstöðvar í Darjeeling á Indlandi, í [[Special:MyLanguage/Temple of Good Will|Musteri góðviljans]].
 h Polish (pl)Rada [[special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Wielkiego Białego Bractwa]] składająca się z [[Special:MyLanguage/ascended masters|wniebowstąpionych mistrzów]] i niewniebowstąpionych [[Special:MyLanguage/chela|czela]], na czele której stoi [[Special:MyLanguage/El Morya|El Morya]], jej szef, z siedzibą w Darjeeling w Indiach, w [[Special:Mylanguage/Temple of Good Will|Świątyni Dobrej Woli |eteryczne schronienie mistrza]].
 h Message documentation (qqq)SGOA
 h Russian (ru)Один из советов [[Special:MyLanguage/Great White Brotherhood|Великого Белого Братства]], состоящий из [[Special:MyLanguage/ascended master|Вознесенных Владык]] и невознесенных [[Special:MyLanguage/chela|чела]], возглавляемый Эль Морией и заседающий в Дарджилинге, Индия, в [[Special:MyLanguage/Temple of Good Will|эфирной священнообители этого Владыки]].