All translations

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Found 7 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en){{main|Temple of Good Will}}
 h Spanish (es){{main-es|Temple of Good Will|Retiro de la Voluntad de Dios}}
 h Hindi (hi){{main-hi|Temple of Good Will|सदभावना का मंदिर}}
 h Icelandic (is){{main-is|Temple of Good Will|Musteri góðviljans}}
 h Polish (pl){{main-pl|Temple of Good Will|Świątynia Dobrej Woli}}
 h Portuguese (pt){{main-pt|Temple of Good Will|Templo da Boa Vontade}}
 h Russian (ru){{main-ru|Temple of Good Will|Храм Доброй Воли}}