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Found 2 translations.

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 h English (en)The divine wholeness spoken of by the Lord Christ as “the beginning and the ending,” Alpha and Omega, in [[Book of Revelation|Revelation]].<ref>Rev. 1:8.</ref> Through the [[Universal Christ]], the Word incarnate, the Father is the origin and the Mother is the fulfillment of the cycles of God’s consciousness expressed throughout the Spirit-Matter creation.
 h Icelandic (is)Hin guðlega heild sem Drottinn Kristur talar um sem „upphafið og endirinn,“ Alfa og Ómega, í [[Special:MyLanguage/Book of Revelation|Opinberunarbókinni]].<ref>Opinb. 1:8.</ref> Í gegnum [[Special:MyLanguage/Universal Christ|Alheims Krist]], orðið sem varð hold, er faðirinn upphafið og móðirin er uppfylling hringrása vitundar Guðs sem tjáð er sem anda-efnissköpunin.