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Found 2 translations.

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 h English (en)God himself is the circle that has neither beginning nor ending of cycles because his Being takes in the universe of cycles and all that precedes and follows them in the formed and unformed dimensions of Spirit. God himself involutes: drawing his energies within the center of Macrocosmic manifestation, like “a fire infolding itself,” the full potential of his Being is concentrated within the white-fire core of the [[Great Central Sun]].
 h Spanish (es)Dios mismo es el círculo que no tiene principio ni fin de ciclos porque su Ser toma el universo de ciclos y todo lo que los precede y los sigue en las dimensiones formadas y no formadas del Espíritu. Dios mismo involuciona: atrayendo sus energías dentro del centro de la manifestación Macrocósmica, como “un fuego que se plega a sí mismo”, todo el potencial de su Ser se concentra dentro del núcleo de fuego blanco del [[Gran Sol Central]].