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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Working with the representatives of the [[Holy Spirit]], the [[hierarchs of the four elements]], the ascended master [[Cuzco]] and [[Mighty Cosmos]], the '''God of Nature''' draws the magnetic currents of the earth and directs them in a balancing action throughout nature and [[elemental life]].
 h Spanish (es)Trabajando con los representantes del [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|Espíritu Santo]], los jerarcas de los cuatro elementos, el maestro ascendido [[Special:MyLanguage/Cuzco|Cuzco]] y el [[Special:MyLanguage/Mighty Cosmos|Poderoso Cosmos]], el '''Dios de la Naturaleza''' atrae las corrientes magnéticas de la Tierra y las dirige en una acción equilibrada por toda la naturaleza y la [[Special:MyLanguage/Elemental life|vida elemental]].
 h Icelandic (is)'''Guð náttúrunnar''' starfar með fulltrúum [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|heilags anda]], [[Special:MyLanguage/hierarchs of the four elements|stigveldi hinna fjögurra frumþátta]], hinum uppstigna meistara [[Special:MyLanguage/Cuzco|Kuskó]] og hinum [[Special:MyLanguage/Mighty Cosmos|volduga Kosmós]] við að draga segulstrauma jarðar og beina þeim til að skapa jafnægi náttúrunnar og [[Special:MyLanguage/elemental life|náttúruandalífsins]].
 h Portuguese (pt)Conforme trabalha com os representantes do [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|Espírito Santo]], com os [[Special:MyLanguage/hierarchs of the four elements|hierarcas dos quatro elementos]], com o Mestre Ascenso [[Special:MyLanguage/Cuzco|Cuzco]] e com o [[Special:MyLanguage/Mighty Cosmos|Poderoso Cosmos]], o '''Deus da Natureza''' atrai as correntes magnéticas da Terra e, com uma ação equilibrada, direciona-as para a natureza e para a [[Special:MyLanguage/elemental life|vida elemental]].
 h Russian (ru)Работая с представителями [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|Святого Духа]], [[Special:MyLanguage/hierarchs of the four elements|иерархами четырех стихий]], Вознесенным Владыкой [[Special:MyLanguage/Cuzco|Куско]] и [[Special:MyLanguage/Mighty Cosmos|Могущественным Космосом]], '''Бог Природы''' притягивает магнитные потоки Земли и направляет их в уравновешивающем действии всей природе и [[Special:MyLanguage/elemental life|элементальной жизни]].