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 h English (en)The [[Great Divine Director]] is a [[cosmic being]] noted by his great [[causal body]], in which he ensouls the memory, the blueprint, the mind of God for all evolutions of this outbreath of the Godhead. In the ascended masters’ lexicon and understanding, we speak of the Great Divine Director. In Hinduism, they speak of Ganesha. When you meditate upon both vibrations, you find that they are like two parts of a whole.
 h Spanish (es)El [[Special:MyLanguage/Great Divine Director|Gran Director Divino]] es un [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmic being|ser cósmico]], conocido por su gran [[Special:MyLanguage/causal body|cuerpo causal]] en el que de la exhalación de la Divinidad confiere la memoria, el modelo, y la mente de Dios para todas las evoluciones. En el léxico y la comprensión de los maestros ascendidos, nos referimos al Gran Director Divino. En el hinduismo, se refieren a Ganesha. Cuando meditas sobre la vibración del Gran Director Divino y de Ganesha, descubres que son dos partes integrantes de un todo.
 h Hindi (hi)[[Special:MyLanguage/Great Divine Director|महान दिव्य निर्देशक]] (Great Divine Director) एक [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmic being|ब्रह्मांडीय प्राणी]] (cosmic being) है जिसे उसके महान [[Special:MyLanguage/causal body|कारण शरीर]] (causal body) द्वारा जाना जाता है। इस कारण शरीर में वह ईश्वर की स्मृति (memory), रूपरेखा (blueprint), और उनके मस्तिष्क (mind of God) को समाहित करते हैं। दिव्यगुरुओं की भाषा में हम उन्हें महान दिव्य निर्देशक कहते हैं और हिंदू उन्हें गणेश कहते हैं। जब आप दोनों के स्पंदनों पर ध्यान देते हैं, तो पाते हैं कि वे एक संपूर्ण के दो हिस्से हैं।
 h Icelandic (is)[[Special:MyLanguage/Great Divine Director|Hinn Mikli guðdómlegi stjórnandi]] er [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmic being|kosmísk vera]] sem auðkennist af hinum mikla [[Special:MyLanguage/causal body|orsakalíkama]] sínum þar sem hann tendrar minnisskrár, frumsnið og huga Guðs fyrir alla þróun þessarar útöndunar guðdómsins. Í orðalagi og skilningi uppstignu meistaranna tölum við um hinn Mikla guðdómlega stjórnanda. Í hindúasið tala þeir um Gjanes. Þegar maður íhugar tíðnisveiflur þeirra beggja finnur maður að þeir eru eins og tveir hlutar af heild.
 h Portuguese (pt)O [[Special:MyLanguage/Great Divine Director|Grande Diretor Divino]] é um [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmic being|ser cósmico]] notavel por seu grande [[Special:MyLanguage/causal body|corpo causal]], no qual ele encarna a memoria, a matriz, a mente de Deus para todas as evolucoes desta exalacao da Divindade. No lexico e na compreensao dos mestres ascensos falamos no Grande Diretor Divino. No hinduismo eles falam de Ganesha. Quando voes meditam sobre estas duas vibracoes percebem que eles sao duas metades de um todo.