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 h English (en)Critics claimed that Notovich’s account of the manuscripts was false. However, in 1922, Swami Abhedananda, a scholar and disciple of the Hindu Saint [[Ramakrishna]], saw the same documents at Himis. [[Nicholas Roerich]], Russian archaeologist, author, artist, philosopher saw the same, or similar, documents in 1925. Roerich also discovered Jesus’ journey to the East recorded in the oral history of the region. He said, “In what possible way could a recent forgery penetrate into the consciousness of the whole East?”
 h Spanish (es)Los críticos afirmaron que el relato de Notovich sobre los manuscritos era falso. Sin embargo, en 1922, Swami Abhedananda, un erudito y discípulo del santo hindú [[Special:MyLanguage/Ramakrishna|Ramakrishna]], vio los mismos documentos en Himis. El arqueólogo, autor, artista y filósofo ruso [[Special:MyLanguage/Nicholas Roerich|Nicholas Roerich]] también observó los mismos documentos, o similares, en 1925. Roerich también descubrió que el viaje de Jesús al Oriente formaba parte de la historia oral de la región. Dijo: "¿De qué manera podría una falsificación reciente penetrar en la conciencia de todo Oriente?".
 h Icelandic (is)Gagnrýnendur héldu því fram að frásögn Nótovich um handritin væri fölsuð. Hins vegar sá Swami Abhedananda, fræðimaður og lærisveinn hindú-dýrlingsins heilags [[Special:MyLanguage/Ramakrishna|Ramakrishna]], sömu skjöl í Hímis árið 1925. [[Special:MyLanguage/Nicholas Roerich|Nicholas Roerich]], rússneskur fornleifafræðingur, rithöfundur, listamaður og heimspekingur sá sömu eða svipuð skjöl árið 1925. Roerich uppgötvaði einnig ferð Jesú til Austurlanda sem skráð er í munnmælasögum svæðisins. Hann sagði: „Á hvaða hátt gæti nýleg fölsun komist inn í vitund alls Austurins?