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Found 6 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | Lanto was later embodied as a ruler of China at the time of Confucius (551 to 479 <small>B</small>.<small>C</small>.) Together with his more renowned contemporaries Confucius and Gautama Buddha, he held the golden flame of illumination on behalf of the Chinese people for many, many centuries. This flame is anchored in China in the [[Jophiel and Christine's retreat|retreat of the archangels Jophiel and Christine]], which is located in central China. |
h Spanish (es) | Lanto encarnó después como un gobernante de China en la época de Confucio (551 a 479 a.C.) y ha sostenido la llama dorada de la iluminación por el pueblo chino durante muchos, muchos siglos. En China, esta llama está afianzada en el [[Special:MyLanguage/Jophiel and Christine's retreat|retiro de los arcángeles Jofiel y Cristina]], que está localizado en China central. |
h Icelandic (is) | Lantó endurfæddist síðar sem höfðingi í Kína á tímum Konfúsíusar (551 til 479 <small>f</small>.<small>Kr</small>.) Ásamt þekktari samtímamönnum sínum Konfúsíusi og Gátama Búddha hélt hann uppi hinum gyllta loga upplýsingarinnar fyrir hönd kínversku þjóðarinnar í fjölmargar aldir. Þessi logi er jarðtengdur í Kína frá [[Special:MyLanguage/Jophiel and Christine's retreat|athvarfi erkienglanna Jófíels og Kristínar]] sem er staðsett í miðhluta Kína. |
h Portuguese (pt) | Mais tarde, na época de Confúcio (551 a 479 a.C.), Lanto encarnou na China. Juntamente com seus contemporâneos mais famosos, Confúcio e Gautama Buda, ele manteve a chama dourada da iluminação em prol do povo chinês por muitos séculos. Essa chama está ancorada na China no [[Special:MyLanguage/Jophiel and Christine's retreat|retiro de Jofiel e Cristina]] localizado no centro da China. |
h Message documentation (qqq) | From M&TR. Added text needs to be translated. |
h Russian (ru) | Позже Ланто воплотился правителем Китая во времена Конфуция (551-479 до н. э.). Вместе со своими более известными современниками Конфуцием и Гаутамой Буддой он много-много столетий держал золотое пламя просветления от имени китайского народа. Это пламя закреплено в [[Special:MyLanguage/Jophiel and Christine's retreat|обители Архангелов Иофиила и Кристины]], которая расположена в центральной части Китая. |