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Found 7 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)1. The '''Manchild born to the Woman clothed with the Sun''' (Rev. 12) is the incarnation of the [[Universal Christ]] for the [[Aquarian age]] in the one and the many [[sons and daughters of God]] whose destiny it is to focus the [[Christ consciousness]] to the evolutions of earth.
 h Spanish (es)1. El '''Hijo-varón nacido de la Mujer vestida del Sol''' (Apocalipsis 12) es la encarnación del [[Special:MyLanguage/Universal Christ|Cristo Universal]] para la [[Special:MyLanguage/Aquarian age|era de Acuario]] en uno y en los múltiples [[Special:MyLanguage/Sons and daughters of God|hijos e hijas de Dios]] destinados a concentrar la [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ consciousness|conciencia crística]] para las evoluciones de la Tierra.
 h Hindi (hi)1. '''ईश्वरीय स्वरुप के प्रकाश से घिरी हुई स्त्री (या पुरुष)'''  (Rev. १२) [[Special:MyLanguage/Aquarian age|कुंभ युग]] (Aquarian age) में [[Special:MyLanguage/Universal Christ|सार्वभौमिक चेतना]] (Universal Christ) का बाल रूप है। यह उन सभी [[Special:MyLanguage/sons and daughters of God|ईश्वर के पुत्र और पुत्रियाँ]] में भी है जिनकी नियति [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ consciousness|आत्मिक चेतना]] को पृथ्वी के विकास पर केंद्रित करने की है।
 h Icelandic (is)1. '''Mannbarnið sem fæddist konunni klædd sólinni''' (Opb 12) er holdgervingur [[Special:MyLanguage/Universal Christ|Alheims-Krists]] fyrir [[Special:MyLanguage/Aquarian age|vatnsberaöldina]] í hinum einu og mörgu [[Special:MyLanguage/sons and daughters of God|sonum og dætrum Guðs]] sem hafa það að leiðarljósi að beina [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ consciousness|Krists-vitundinni]] að þróun jarðar.
 h Polish (pl)1. „Dziecko zrodzone z Niewiasty ubranej w Słońce” (Obj. 12) jest wcieleniem [[Special:MyLanguage/Universal Christ|Chrystusa Uniwersalnego]] dla [[Special:MyLanguage/Aquarian age|wieku Wodnika]] w jednym i wielu [[ Special:MyLanguage/sons and daughters of God|synach i córkach Boga]], których przeznaczeniem jest skupienie [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ consciousness|świadomości Chrystusa]] na ewolucji ziemi.
 h Portuguese (pt)1. O '''Filho varão nascido da Mulher vestida de Sol''' (Ap 12) é a encarnação do [[Special:MyLanguage/Universal Christ|Cristo Universal]] para a [[Special:MyLanguage/Aquarian age|Era de Aquário]] no um e nos muitos [[Special:MyLanguage/sons and daughters of God|filhos e filhas de Deus]] cujo destino é enfocar a [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ consciousness|Consciência Crística]] para as evoluções da Terra.
 h Russian (ru)1. '''Сын-младенец, рожденный Женой, облеченной в Солнце''' (Откр. 12), является воплощением [[Special:MyLanguage/Universal Christ|Вселенского Христа]] в [[Special:MyLanguage/Aquarian age|эпоху Водолея]] во множестве [[Special:MyLanguage/sons and daughters of God|сынов и дочерей Бога]], которым суждено фокусировать [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ consciousness|Христосознание]] на благо эволюций Земли.