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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)'''Mary Baker Eddy''', who founded the Christian Science movement in the late 1800s, was tutored by Jesus, [[Mother Mary]] and the [[Saint Paul|apostle Paul]]. Now the ascended lady master [[Theosophia]], she holds the office of the Goddess of Wisdom
 h Spanish (es)'''Mary Baker Eddy''', quien fundó el movimiento de la Ciencia Cristiana a fines del siglo XVIII, fue instruida por Jesús, [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Madre María]] y el  [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Paul|apóstol Pablo]]. Ahora, la maestra ascendida [[Special:MyLanguage/Theosophia|Teosofía]], ocupa el cargo de Diosa de la Sabiduría.
 h French (fr)'''[[Special:MyLanguage/Mary Baker Eddy|Mary Baker Eddy]]''', qui a fondé le mouvement de la Science chrétienne à la fin des années 1800, a été guidée par Jésus, [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Mère Marie]] et l’[[Special:MyLanguage/apostle Paul|apôtre Paul]]. Elle est devenue la Maître ascensionnée [[Special:MyLanguage/Theosophia|Théosophie]], elle détient la fonction de Déesse de Sagesse.
 h Icelandic (is)'''Mary Baker Eddy''', sem stofnaði Christian Science movement (Kristnu vísindahreyfinguna) seint á átjándu öld laut leiðsagnar Jesú, [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Maríu guðsmóður]] og [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Paul|Páls postula]]. Nú er hún uppstigni kvenmeistarinn [[Special:MyLanguage/Theosophia|Þeósófía]], hún gegnir stöðu gyðju viskunnar.
 h Portuguese (pt)'''Mary Baker Eddy''', que fundou o movimento da Ciência Cristã no final do século XIX, foi ensinada por Jesus, [[Special:MyLanguage/Mother Mary|Mãe Maria]] e pelo [[Special:MyLanguage/Saint Paul|apóstolo Paulo]]. Ela é agora a mestra ascensa [[Special:MyLanguage/Theosophia|Teosofia]], e ocupa o cargo de Deusa da Sabedoria.