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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Neptune and Luara serve with the [[Twelve solar hierarchies|hierarchies]] of Cancer, Leo and Virgo to teach mankind the mastery of the [[emotional body]]. They also teach the mastery of the water element in the physical and [[Etheric body|etheric bodies]] and the balance of the [[threefold flame]] through that element under the hierarchies of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.
 h Spanish (es)Neptuno y Luara prestan servicio con los jerarcas de Cáncer, Leo y Virgo para enseñar a la humanidad la maestría del [[Special:MyLanguage/Emotional body|cuerpo emocional]]. También enseñan la maestría del elemento agua en los cuerpos físico y [[Special:MyLanguage/Etheric body|etérico]] así como el equilibrio de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Threefold flame|llama trina]] mediante ese elemento bajo las jerarquías de Piscis, Cáncer y Escorpión.
 h Finnish (fi)Neptunus ja Luara palvelevat Ravun, Leijonan ja Neitsyen [[Special:MyLanguage/Twelve solar hierarchies|hierarkioiden]] kanssa opettaakseen ihmiskunnalle [[Special:MyLanguage/emotional body|tunnekehon]] hallintaa. He opettavat myös vesielementin hallintaa fyysisessä ja [[Special:MyLanguage/Etheric body|eetterikehossa]] sekä [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|kolminaisliekin]] tasapainottamista tämän elementin kautta Kalojen, Ravun ja Skorpionin hierarkioiden alaisuudessa.
 h Portuguese (pt)Netuno e Luara servem com as [[Special:MyLanguage/Twelve solar hierarchies|hierarquias]] de Câncer, Leão e Virgem, e ensinam à humanidade a mestria do [[Special:MyLanguage/emotional body|corpo emocional]]. Também ensinam a mestria do elemento água no corpo físico e no [[Special:MyLanguage/Etheric body|corpo etérico]], e o equilíbrio da [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|chama trina]] por meio desse elemento, subordinado às hierarquias de Peixes, Câncer e Escorpião.
 h Russian (ru)Нептун и Луара служат вместе с [[Special:MyLanguage/Twelve solar hierarchies|иерархиями]] Рака, Льва и Девы, обучая человечество овладению [[Special:MyLanguage/emotional body|эмоциональным телом]]. Они также учат, как овладеть водной стихией в физическом и [[Special:MyLanguage/Etheric body|эфирном телах]], как достичь равновесия [[Special:MyLanguage/threefold flame|трехлепесткового пламени]] через эту стихию под руководством иерархий Рыб, Рака и Скорпиона.