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 h English (en)The first ''[[Ashram Note]]'', dated April 26, 1951, from [[Mark L. Prophet]] to chelas announced the formation of “The Order of the Child”—a sacred order for legislators, rulers, directors of culture, and citizens who would promise to be “ever-mindful of the little child of the future.” The letter explained:
 h Spanish (es)La primera ''[[Special:MyLanguage/Ashram Note|Nota del Ashram]]'', fechada el 26 de Abril de 1951, de [[Special:MyLanguage/Mark L. Prophet|Mark L. Prophet]] a sus chelas anunció la formación de “La Orden del Niño”: una orden sagrada para legisladores, gobernantes, directores de cultura y ciudadanos que prometieran estar “siempre pendientes del niño pequeño del futuro.” La carta explicó:
 h Icelandic (is)Í hinni fyrstu ''[[Special:MyLanguage/Ashram Note|Ashram minnisbók]]'' dagsettri 26. apríl, 1951 barst tilkynning frá [[Special:MyLanguage/Mark L. Prophet|Mark L. Prophet]] til chela-nema um myndun „Reglu barnsins“ – heilagrar regla fyrir löggjafa, valdhafa, menningarmálastjórendur og borgara sem gefa heit um að „minnast ætíð framtíð hins littla barns“. Í bréfinu var skýrt: