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Found 2 translations.

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 h English (en)<blockquote>There is a portion of the self that is immutable. That portion of selfhood that is the '''permanent atom of being''' is called the [[I AM Presence]]. It is the Monad of Self suspended in the planes of Spirit. It is the Godhead individualized as a living flame, as a point of consciousness, as a sphere of identity. It is God—your God Self.<ref>{{CAP}}, chapter 3.</ref></blockquote>
 h Icelandic (is)<blockquote>Hluti af sjálfinu er óumbreytanlegur. Sá hluti sjálfsins sem er '''varanleg frumeind tilverunnar''' er kölluð [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM Presence|ÉG ER-nærvera]]. Það er frumeind sjálfsins sem er uppi á sviðum andans. Það er guðdómurinn einstaklingsbundinn sem lifandi logi, sem vitundarbroddur, sem sjálfsmyndasvið. Það er Guð – hið guðlega sjálf þitt.<ref>{{CAP}}, 3. kafli.</ref></blockquote>