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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)The '''first stage''' is abstention from evil-doing. There are five abstinences: non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, chastity and non-possession. This includes refraining from possessing whatever contributes to the enjoyment of the senses. The goal of the yogi is to obtain enlightenment through concentration. Distractions in the form of possessions take him away from that end.
 h Spanish (es)La '''primera''' es la abstención de hacer el mal. Hay cinco abstinencias: la no violencia, la veracidad, el no robar, la castidad y la no posesión. Ello incluye el rechazo a la posesión de cualquier cosa que contribuya al disfrute de los sentidos. El objetivo del yogui es obtener la iluminación mediante la concentración. Las distracciones en forma de posesiones lo desvían de esa meta.
 h Icelandic (is)'''Fyrsta stigið''' [(Yama)] er að forðast illvirki. Fimm atriði ber að virða: meinleysi, sannsögli, heiðarleiki, hreinlyndi og óeigingirni. Þetta felur í sér að forðast nautnahyggju. Markmið jógans er að öðlast uppljómun með einbeitingu. Eignahyggja ber hann af leið.