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Found 3 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | <blockquote> We have need of those who see the path of Christhood as one of experiment, experiment with the energies of self, as on the path of raja yoga, the path that is the integration of all of the yogas that mankind have known and all of the asanas, all of the meditations. It is the integration of the God Flame, the flame of Spirit within the crucible of Mater.... |
h Spanish (es) | <blockquote> Necesitamos personas que vean el sendero de la Cristeidad como algo en el que experimentar; experimentar con las energías del yo, como en el sendero del raja yoga, el sendero que supone la integración de todos los yogas que la humanidad ha conocido y de todos los asanas, todas las meditaciones. Es la integración de la Llama Divina, la llama del Espíritu dentro del crisol de la Materia… |
h Icelandic (is) | <blockquote> Við þurfum á þeim að halda sem líta á braut Krists-verundarinnar sem tilraunaleið gera tilraunir með orku sjálfsins, eins og á raja jógabrautinni, leiðina sem er samþætting allra jógakerfanna sem mannkynið hefur þekkt og allra asana-líkamsæfinganna, allra hugleiðslukerfanna. Það er samþætting Guðs-logans, loga andans innan deiglu efnisins. ... |