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Found 4 translations.
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h English (en) | <blockquote>Thus, out of the mighty Yellowstone and from deep within the earth do the healing waters of the Divine Mother flow, and therefore the Call of the arc of the [[Western Shamballa]] is the anchoring there of the retreat of Fátima. Thus, this is the true Call we make in this hour, that Fátima, our Fátima—as the place where Mary does speak and is heard and [is] not denied by Church or State—that Fátima be reborn [in the [[Heart of the Inner Retreat]]] even as [[Camelot]] is called again [to be built at the [[Royal Teton Ranch]]].<ref>Lanello, “The Bodhisattva Vow: The Messengers Give Their Christhood to a World: The Retreat of Fátima Anchored in the Western Shamballa,” {{POWref|31|34|, July 2, 1988}}</ref></blockquote> |
h Spanish (es) | <blockquote>Así, desde el poderoso Yellowstone y desde lo más profundo de la tierra fluyen las aguas curativas de la Madre Divina, y por lo tanto el Llamado del arco del [[Special:MyLanguage/Western Shamballa|Shamballa Occidental]] es el ancla allí del retiro de Fátima. Así, este es el verdadero Llamado que hacemos en esta hora, que Fátima, nuestra Fátima — como el lugar donde María sí habla y es escuchada y no [es] negada por la Iglesia o el Estado — que Fátima renazca [en el [[Special:MyLanguage/Heart of the Inner Retreat|Corazón del Retiro Interno]]] incluso cuando [[Special:MyLanguage/Camelot|Camelot]] es llamado de nuevo [para ser construido en el [[Special:MyLanguage/Royal Teton Ranch|Royal Teton Ranch]]].<ref>Lanello, “El voto del Bodhisattva: Los mensajeros dan su cristianismo a un mundo : El retiro de Fátima anclado en el oeste de Shamballa”, {{POWref-es|31|34|, 2 de julio de 1988}}</ref></blockquote> |
h Finnish (fi) | <blockquote>Näin mahtavasta Yellowstonesta ja syvältä maan sisältä virtaavat Jumalallisen Äidin parantavat vedet. Siksi kutsu kaaren muodostamiseksi [[Special:MyLanguage/Western Shamballa|läntiseen Shamballaan]] tarkoittaa Fátiman retriitin ankkuroimista tänne. Näin ollen tämän todellisen kutsun esitämme tällä hetkellä, että Fátima, meidän Fátimamme – paikkana, jossa Maria todella puhuu ja tulee kuulluksi ja jota kirkko tai valtio ei kiellä – että Fátima syntyy uudelleen [ [[Special:MyLanguage/Inner Retreat|Inner Retreatin Heartissa]]], aivan kuten [[Special:MyLanguage/Camelot|Camelot]] on pyydetty uudelleen [rakennettavaksi [[Special:MyLanguage/Royal Teton Ranch|Royal Teton Ranchille]]].<ref>Lanello, “The Bodhisattva Vow: The Messengers Give Their Christhood to a World: The Retreat of Fátima Anchored in the Western Shamballa,” {{POWref|31|34|, 2.7.1988}}</ref></blockquote> |
h Icelandic (is) | <blockquote>Þannig streymir heilandi vatn hinnar guðdómlegrar móður djúpt úr jörðu hins stórbrotna Yellowstone [þjóðgarðs], og þess vegna er hringbogi [[Special:MyLanguage/Western Shamballa|Vestur Shamballa]] ákall um akkerisfestingu við Fátíma athvarfið. Þannig er þetta hin sanna köllun dagsins, að Fátíma, Fátíma okkar — staðurinn þar sem María talar og heyrist og [er] ekki afneituð af kirkju eða ríki — þar sem Fátima endurfæðist [í [[Special:MyLanguage/Heart of the Inner Retreat|Hjarta innra athvarfsins]]] jafnvel eins og [[Special:MyLanguage/Camelot|Kamelot]] er kallað aftur fram [til að vera endurreist á [[Special:MyLanguage/Royal Teton Ranch|Royal Teton setrinu]]].<ref>Lanello, „“The Bodhisattva Vow: The Messengers Give Their Christhood to a World: The Retreat of Fátima Anchored in the Western Shamballa,” {{POWref-is|31|34|, 2. júlí, 1988}}</ref></blockquote> |