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Found 4 translations.
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h English (en) | Indian author A. Parthasarathy says that Karttikeya represents the “Man of Perfection who has discovered the Supreme Self. The wielding of his spear of annihilation symbolizes the destruction of all negative tendencies which veil the Divine Self.”<ref>A. Parthasarathy, ''Symbolism in Hinduism'', p. 151.</ref> |
h Finnish (fi) | Intialainen kirjailija A. Parthasarathy sanoo, että Karttikeya edustaa "täydellistä ihmistä, joka on löytänyt Ylimmän Minän. Hänen hävitysvoimainen keihään käsittely symbolisoi kaikkien niiden kielteisten taipumusten tuhoa, jotka verhoavat Jumalallisen Minän."<ref>A. Parthasarathy, ''Symbolism in Hinduism'', s. 151.</ref> |
h Icelandic (is) | Indverski rithöfundurinn A. Parthasarathy segir að Karttikeya tákni „hinn fullkomna mann sem hefur uppgötvað æðsta sjálfið. Beiting tortímingarspjóts hans táknar eyðingu allra slæmra tilhneiginga sem hylja hið guðlega sjálf.“<ref>A. Parthasarathy, ''Symbolism in Hinduism'', bls. 151.</ref> |
h Portuguese (pt) | O autor indiano, A. Parthasarathy, diz que Karttikeya representa o “Homem de Perfeição que descobriu o Ser Supremo. O empunhar de sua lança de aniquilação simboliza a destruição de todas as tendências negativas que velam o Ser Divino.”<ref>A. Parthasarathy, ''Simbolismo no Hinduísmo'', p. 151.</ref> |