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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)The Sun behind the sun of [[cosmos]] is perceived as the [[Cosmic Christ]]—the [[Word]] by whom the formless was endowed with form and spiritual worlds were draped with physicality.
 h Spanish (es)El Sol detrás del sol del [[Special:MyLanguage/Cosmos|cosmos]] se percibe como el [[Special:MyLanguage/Cosmic Christ|Cristo Cósmico]]: la [[Special:MyLanguage/Word|Palabra]] por la cual lo que no tiene forma fue dotado de forma y los mundos espirituales devinieron mundos físicos.
 h Icelandic (is)Sólina handan við sólina í [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmos|alheiminum]] er litið á sem hinn [[Special:MyLanguage/Cosmic Christ|kosmíska Krist]] – [[Special:MyLanguage/Word|Orðið]] sem gæddi formleysinu form og efnisklæddi andlegu heimana.
 h Dutch (nl)De Zon achter de zon van de [[Cosmos|kosmos]] wordt gezien als de [[Cosmic Christ|Kosmische Christus]] – het [[Word|Woord]] door wie het vormloze begiftigd werd met vorm en spirituele werelden zijn bekleed met lichamelijkheid.
 h Russian (ru)Солнце за солнцем [[Special:MyLanguage/cosmos|космоса]] воспринимается как [[Special:MyLanguage/Cosmic Christ|Космический Христос]] — [[Special:MyLanguage/Word|Слово]], которым бесформенность была наделена формой, а духовные миры драпированы физичностью