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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Since its founding in 1958, The Summit Lighthouse has remained “a pillar of fire by night, a cloud by day” to all who seek the truth of the inner Self and the knowledge of cosmic law and its personal and planetary application. In the midst of the multifaceted activities of the ascended masters and the expansion of the organization under the capable direction of the messengers, The Summit Lighthouse has remained, in the words of [[Special:MyLanguage/Longfellow|Longfellow]],
 h Spanish (es)Desde su fundación en 1958, The Summit Lighthouse ha seguido siendo "una columna de fuego de noche, una nube de día" para todos los que buscan la verdad del Ser interno y el conocimiento de la ley cósmica y su aplicación personal y planetaria. En medio de las actividades multifacéticas de los maestros ascendidos y la expansión de la organización bajo la hábil dirección de los mensajeros, The Summit Lighthouse se ha mantenido, en palabras de [[Special: MyLanguage/Longfellow|Longfellow]]
 h Icelandic (is)Since its founding in 1958, The Summit Lighthouse has remained “a pillar of fire by night, a cloud by day” to all who seek the truth of the inner Self and the knowledge of cosmic law and its personal and planetary application. In the midst of the multifaceted activities of the ascended masters and the expansion of the organization under the capable direction of the messengers, The Summit Lighthouse has remained, in the words of [[Special:MyLanguage/Longfellow|Longfellow]],
 h Polish (pl)Od swego powstania w 1958 roku The Summit Lighthouse pozostaje „słupem ognia w noc, chmurą za dnia” dla wszystkich, którzy poszukują prawdy o wewnętrznym Ja i wiedzy o prawie kosmicznym oraz jej zastosowaniu w skali jednostki i planety. Pośród wielorakiej działalności Wniebowstąpionych Mistrzów i ekspansji organizacji pod umiejętnym kierownictwem Wysłanników, The Summit Lighthouse trwa, słowami [[Special:MyLanguage/Longfellow|Longfellowa]],
 h Portuguese (pt)Desde 1958 quando foi fundada, The Summit Lighthouse permanece “uma coluna de fogo à noite, uma coluna de nuvem durante o dia” para todos os que buscam a verdade do Eu interno e o conhecimento da lei cósmica e sua aplicação pessoal e planetária. Em meio às atividades multifacetadas dos mestres ascensos e à expansão da organização sob a competente direção dos mensageiros, The Summit Lighthouse permaneceu, nas palavras de [[Special:MyLanguage/Longfellow|Longfellow]],