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Found 5 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | The organizational requirements of an expanding movement have been met by the ascended masters in the founding of [[Special:MyLanguage/Church Universal and Triumphant|Church Universal and Triumphant]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Summit University|Summit University]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Montessori International|Montessori International]], and the opening of community teaching centers throughout the world. But The Summit Lighthouse endures—the tower of power upon the rock, symbol of the light of the [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM THAT I AM|I AM THAT I AM]] and the summit of each one’s being, the very present help in time of trouble. To thousands of devotees of truth, The Summit Lighthouse has been a beacon through the night, guiding the soul to the port of reality. |
h Spanish (es) | Los requisitos organizacionales de un movimiento en expansión han sido cumplidos por los maestros ascendidos con la fundación de la [[Special:MyLanguage/Church Universal and Triumphant|Iglesia Universal y Triunfante]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Summit University|Summit University]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Montessori International|Montessori Internacional]], y la apertura de centros de enseñanza comunitarios por todo el mundo. Pero The Summit Lighthouse perdura: la torre de poder sobre la roca, símbolo de la luz del [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM THAT I AM|YO SOY EL QUE SOY]] y en la cumbre del ser de cada uno, el mismísimo presente ayuda en tiempos de problemas. Para miles de devotos de la verdad, The Summit Lighthouse ha sido un faro durante la noche, guiando el alma al puerto de la realidad. |
h Icelandic (is) | The organizational requirements of an expanding movement have been met by the ascended masters in the founding of [[Special:MyLanguage/Church Universal and Triumphant|Church Universal and Triumphant]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Summit University|Summit University]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Montessori International|Montessori International]], and the opening of community teaching centers throughout the world. But The Summit Lighthouse endures—the tower of power upon the rock, symbol of the light of the [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM THAT I AM|I AM THAT I AM]] and the summit of each one’s being, the very present help in time of trouble. To thousands of devotees of truth, The Summit Lighthouse has been a beacon through the night, guiding the soul to the port of reality. |
h Polish (pl) | Wniebowstąpieni Mistrzowie spełnili organizacyjne wymogi poszerzenia ruchu zakładając [[Special:MyLanguage/Church Universal and Triumphant|Church Universal and Triumphant]] (Kościół Uniwersalny i Triumfujący), [[Special:MyLanguage/Summit University|Summit University]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Montessori International|Montessori International]] i otwierając lokalne ośrodki nauczania na całym świecie. Lecz The Summit Lighthouse wciąż trwa – wieża mocy na Skale, symbol Światła [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM THAT I AM|JAM JEST KTÓRY JAM JEST]] i szczytu istoty każdego człowieka, życiodajna pomoc w trudnych czasach. Dla tysięcy miłośników Prawdy, The Summit Lighthouse jest latarnią morską w nocy, kierującą dusze do portu rzeczywistości. |
h Portuguese (pt) | Os requisitos organizacionais de um movimento em expansão foram atendidos pelos mestres ascensos na fundação da [[Special:MyLanguage/Church Universal and Triumphant|Igreja Universal e Triunfante]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Summit University|Summit University]], [[Special:MyLanguage/Montessori International|Montessori Internacional]], e a abertura de centros de ensino comunitários no mundo inteiro. Mas The Summit Lighthouse perdura - a torre de poder sobre a rocha, símbolo da luz do [[Special:MyLanguage/I AM THAT I AM|EU SOU O QUE EU SOU]] e o ápice do ser de cada um, a muito presente ajuda em tempos de dificuldade. Para milhares de devotos da verdade, The Summit Lighthouse tem sido um farol durante a noite, guiando a alma ao porto da realidade. |