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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Man is like a flower. His consciousness and body temple provide him with a platform for magnificent achievement. He is intended to blossom and to bear fruit. He is intended to pursue happiness while being harmless. He is intended to achieve, to overcome difficulties and limitations, and to rise to heights far above his present norm that he might benefit his fellowmen and set an example for the age.
 h Spanish (es)El hombre es como una flor. Su conciencia y el templo corporal le proporcionan una plataforma para un magnífico logro. Está destinado a florecer y dar fruto. Su intención es buscar la felicidad sin hacer daño. Su objetivo es lograr superar dificultades y limitaciones, y elevarse a alturas muy superiores a su norma actual para que pueda beneficiar a sus semejantes y establecer un ejemplo para la era.
 h Icelandic (is)Man is like a flower. His consciousness and body temple provide him with a platform for magnificent achievement. He is intended to blossom and to bear fruit. He is intended to pursue happiness while being harmless. He is intended to achieve, to overcome difficulties and limitations, and to rise to heights far above his present norm that he might benefit his fellowmen and set an example for the age.
 h Polish (pl)Człowiek jest jak kwiat. Jego świadomość i świątynia ciała są punktami wyjściowymi pozwalającymi na wspaniałe osiągnięcia. Ma on zakwitnąć i wydać owoc, ma podążać za szczęściem, nie szkodząc innym. Ma osiągnąć cel, przezwyciężyć trudności i ograniczenia oraz wznieść się wysoko ponad swój obecny stan, by mógł przynosić korzyść bliźnim i stać się wzorem do naśladowania.
 h Portuguese (pt)O homem é como uma flor. Sua consciência e templo físico fornecem-lhe uma plataforma para realizações magníficas. Ele deve florescer e dar frutos. Seu objetivo é buscar a felicidade ao mesmo tempo que é inofensivo. Ele pretende alcançar, superar dificuldades e limitações e se elevar muito acima de sua norma atual, a fim de beneficiar seus semelhantes e estabelecer um exemplo para a era.