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Found 4 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)In [[Tibet]], the White Goddess is especially loved and worshiped as '''Tara''', the saviouress. Tibetan Buddhists understand that the one who is going to save the world is the Mother, and that she comes to save the world in the end of the age of the [[Kali Yuga]].
 h Spanish (es)En el [[Special:MyLanguage/Tibet|Tíbet]], la Diosa Blanca es especialmente amada y adorada como '''Tara''', la salvadora. Los budistas tibetanos comprenden que quien va a salvar al mundo es la Madre y que ella viene a salvar al mundo al final de la era del [[Special:MyLanguage/Kali Yuga|Kali Yuga]].
 h Portuguese (pt)No [[Special:MyLanguage/Tibet|Tibete]], a Deusa Branca é especialmente amada e venerada como '''Tara''', a salvadora. Os budistas tibetanos entendem que o mundo será salvo pela Mãe e que ela o fará no final da era do [[Special:MyLanguage/Kali Yuga|Kali Yuga]].
 h Russian (ru)В [[Special:MyLanguage/Tibet|Тибете]] Белая Богиня особенно любима и почитаема как '''Тара''', богиня спасительница. Тибетские буддисты считают, что именно Мать спасет мир, и она приходит для этого в конце века [[Special:MyLanguage/Kali Yuga|Кали Юги]].