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Found 2 translations.

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 h English (en)When the I AM Presence is activated by the [[Guru]], as it was in many through the preaching of [[John the Baptist]] and [[Jesus Christ]], it brings to the outer mind the awareness of the [[Christ consciousness]] and releases the fruit of good deeds stored in the causal body. Such preaching by the [[Holy Spirit]] also forces the individual’s encounter with his lower self and its untransmuted momentums.
 h Icelandic (is)Þegar [[Special:MyLanguage/Guru|gúrú]] virkjar ÉG ER-nærveru einhvers, eins og gerðist hjá mörgum með prédikunum [[Special:MyLanguage/John the Baptist|Jóhannesar skírara]] og [[Special:MyLanguage/Jesus Christ|Jesú Krists]], vekur það ytri hugann til [[Special:MyLanguage/Christ consciousness|Krists-vitundar]] og ber fram ávexti góðverka sem varðveitast í orsakalíkamanum. Slík prédikun [[Special:MyLanguage/Holy Spirit|heilags anda]] knýr líka fram samfund einstaklingsins við lægra sjálf sitt og óuppgerð mál þess.