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Found 6 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Walk the earth as Christs. Put off the old garment! Put it off and be transfigured in the mighty transfiguring flame of life!”<ref>Archangel Uriel, “Walk the Earth as Christs!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 50, December 12, 1982.</ref>
 h Spanish (es)¡Caminad por la Tierra como Cristos! ¡Quitaos el viejo atavío! ¡Quitáoslo y sed transfiguraos en la poderosa llama transfiguradora de la vida!<ref>Arcángel Uriel, "¡Caminad por la Tierra como Cristos! Perlas de Sabiduría, vol. 25, no. 50, 12 de diciembre de 1982.</ref>
 h Finnish (fi)Kulkekaa maan päällä Kristuksina. Riisukaa vanhat vaatteet! Riisukaa ne pois ja muuntautukaa elämän mahtavassa muuntautumisen liekissä!"<ref>Arkkienkeli Uriel, “Walk the Earth as Christs!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 50, 12.12.1982.</ref>
 h Icelandic (is)Gangið um grundu sem Kristur væruð. Farið úr gömlu flíkunum! Afklæðist þeim og ummyndist í hinum volduga ummyndandi loga lífsins!“<ref>Archangel Uriel, “Walk the Earth as Christs!” Pearls of Wisdom, 25. bindi, nr. 50, 12. desember, 1982.</ref>
 h Portuguese (pt)Caminhai na Terra como Cristos. Despi-vos das vestes antigas! Fazei-o e transfigurai-vos na poderosa chama transfiguradora da vida!”<ref>Arcanjo Uriel, “Walk the Earth as Christs!” {{POWref-pt|25|50|, 12 de dezembro de 1982}}</ref>
 h Russian (ru)Идите по Земле, подобно Христу. Сбросьте старые одежды! Сбросьте их и преобразитесь в могущественном обновляющем пламени жизни!<ref>Archangel Uriel, “Walk the Earth as Christs!” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 50, December 12, 1982.</ref>