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Found 5 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | In 1994 the [[Great Divine Director]] announced that this retreat and the retreats of all of the manus had been opened to some among mankind: |
h Spanish (es) | En 1994 el [[Special:MyLanguage/Great Divine Director|Gran Director Divino]] anunció que su retiro y el de todos los manús había sido abierto a algunos de entre la humanidad: |
h Icelandic (is) | Árið 1994 tilkynnti hinn [[Special:MyLanguage/Great Divine Director|Mikli guðdómlegi stjórnandi]] að þetta athvarf og athvarf allra manú-ættfeðranna hefði verið opnað fyrir sumum meðal mannkyns: |
h Portuguese (pt) | Em 1994, o [[Special:MyLanguage/Great Divine Director|Grande Diretor Divino]] anunciou que este retiro e os retiros de todos os manus foram abertos a alguns entre a humanidade: |
h Russian (ru) | В 1994 году [[Special:MyLanguage/Great Divine Director|Великий Божественный Направитель]] объявил, что эта обитель, как и обители всех других Ману, открылась для посещения некоторых представителей человечества: |