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 h English (en)Out of the union of the Watchers with mortals came the giants who are mentioned throughout the Old Testament—for example, in the story of the shepherd boy [[King David|David]] and the giant [[Goliath]].<ref>Deut. 2:11, 20; 3:11, 13; Num. 13:33; Josh. 12:4; 13:12; 15:8; 17:15; 18:16; I Sam. 17:4–51; II Sam. 21:16–22; I Chron. 20:4–8.</ref> These giants are the offspring of these mighty Watchers, who once held the office at the same level of the Great Silent Watchers. It was their responsibility to hold the Cosmic Christ image for all evolutions. So their fall was great, and today they are the powerful and the mighty among earth’s evolutions. They have a very large physical presence, and when they are not compromised by intermarriage, they retain that large stature.
 h Icelandic (is)Afsprengi sameiningu varðanna við dauðlega menn voru risarnir sem nefndir eru í Gamla testamentinu — til dæmis í sögunni um smaladrenginn [[Special:MyLanguage/David|Davíð konung]] og risann [[Special:MyLanguage/Goliath|Golíat]].<ref> 5. Mós 2:11, 20; 3:11, 13; 4. Mós 13:33; Jós 12:4; 13:12; 15:8; 17:15; 18:16; 1. Sam 17:4–51; 2. Sam 21:16–22; 1. Kro. 20:4–8.</ref> Þessir risar eru afkomendur þessara voldugu varða sem eitt sinn gegndu stöðu á sama stigi og hinir miklu þöglu verðir. Það var skylda þeirra að halda ímynd hins kosmíska Krists fyrir alla þróun. Fall þeirra var því mikið og í dag eru þeir hinir voldugu og máttugu á meðal jarðarþróunarinnar. Þeir hafa mjög sterka líkamlega nærveru og þegar þeir forðast kynblöndun við aðra kynþætti halda þeir þessum mikla vexti.