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Found 3 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | * Give decree 10.14 to beloved [[Astrea]] daily * Call to the [[Goddess of Light]], the [[Queen of Light]] and the [[Goddess of Purity]], whose Light is amplified at winter solstice, to help you pass your tests. * Give decree 8.00, “O Mighty Light,” by the Goddess of Light. |
h Spanish (es) | * Den el decreto 10.14 a la amada [[Special:MyLanguage/Astrea|Astrea]] diariamente. * Invoquen a la [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Light|Diosa de la Luz]], la [[Special:MyLanguage/Queen of Light|Reina de la Luz]] y la [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Purity|Diosa de la Pureza]], cuya luz es amplificada durante el solsticio de invierno, para ayudarlos a pasar sus pruebas. * Den el decreto 8.00, “Oh Poderosa Luz,” por la Diosa de la Luz. |
h Portuguese (pt) | * Fazer o decreto 10.14 à amada [[Special:MyLanguage/Astrea|Astrea]] diariamente * Invocar a [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Light|Deusa da Luz]], a [[Special:MyLanguage/Queen of Light|Rainha da Luz]] e a [[Special:MyLanguage/Goddess of Purity|Deusa da Pureza]], cuja Luz é amplificada no solstício de inverno, para vos ajudar a passar vossos testes. * Fazer o decreto 8.00, “Ó Poderosa Luz”, pela Deusa da Luz. |