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Found 3 translations.
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h English (en) | The Sanskrit term '''''yoga''''' means “divine union,” or the union of you and God—hence “''yo-ga''.” Many practices foreign to the Western world are entered into by the Eastern seeker for union with the Higher Self. Some of these practices demand stern disciplines; in fact, they may be considered austere by Westerners. |
h Spanish (es) | El vocablo sánscrito '''''yoga''''' significa «unión divina» o la unión entre tú y Dios. El buscador oriental de la unión con el Yo Superior realiza muchas prácticas que le resultan extrañas al mundo occidental. Algunas de ellas exigen severas disciplinas; de hecho, los occidentales podrían considerarlas austeras. |
h Icelandic (is) | Sanskrítarhugtakið '''''jóga''''' þýðir „guðleg sameining,“ eða sameining þín og Guðs – þess vegna „''jóga''“. Margar iðkanir sem eru framandi í hinum vestræna heimi tíðkast á meðal austurlenskra leitenda en leitast við að sameinast æðra sjálfinu. Sumar þessa iðkana krefjast strangs aga; Vesturlandabúar kunna reyndar að telja þær meinlætislegar. |