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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)Today in the West, many people have a difficult time meditating because their minds are so yin. They eat too much sugar and drink too many liquids like coffee and soft drinks, most of which have caffeine in them. These yin foods—and especially [[alcohol]] and recreational [[drugs]]—make it difficult to concentrate.
 h Spanish (es)Hoy día, en Occidente, a mucha gente le cuesta meditar porque tienen la mente muy yin. Consumen demasiada azúcar y beben demasiados líquidos, como el café y los refrescos, cuando la mayoría contiene cafeína. Estos alimentos yin —especialmente el alcohol y las drogas recreativas— dificultan la concentración.
 h Icelandic (is)Á Vesturlöndum eiga margir erfitt með að hugleiða vegna þess að hugur þeirra er svo "yin". Þeir borða of mikinn sykur og drekka of mikið kaffi og gosdrykki sem flestir innihalda koffín. Þessi yin matvæli — og sérstaklega [[Special:MyLanguage/alcohol|alkóhól]] og [önnur] [[Special:MyLanguage/drugs|vímu- og fíkniefni]] til afþreyingar — gera mönnum erfitt fyrir að einbeita sér.