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Found 3 translations.

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 h English (en)Finally, the battle went on right within man. John Noss, author of ''Man’s Religions'', observes that “it was perhaps Zoroaster’s cardinal moral principle, that each man's soul is the seat of a war between good and evil.”<ref>John B. Noss, ''Man’s Religions'', 5th ed. (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1974), p. 443.</ref>
 h Spanish (es)Finalmente, la batalla continuó dentro del hombre. John Noss, autor de ''Las religiones del hombre'', observa que "quizás fue el principio moral cardinal de Zoroastro, que el alma de cada hombre es el asiento de una guerra entre el bien y el mal".<ref>John B. Noss, ''Man's Religions'', 5a ed. (Nueva York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1974), pág. 443.</ref>
 h Portuguese (pt)Finalmente, a batalha continuou dentro do homem. John Noss, autor de "Man's Religions", observa que “talvez fosse o princípio moral cardinal de Zoroastro, que a alma de cada homem é a sede de uma guerra entre o bem e o mal.”<ref>John B. Noss, "Man's Religions", 5ª ed. (Nova York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1974), p. 443.</ref>