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- 13:57, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs marked Original sin for translation
- 13:53, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Indian Black Brotherhood/24/es (Created page with "{{PST-es}}.")
- 13:53, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Indian Black Brotherhood/23/es (Created page with "Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 19 de febrero de 1976.")
- 13:53, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Indian Black Brotherhood/22/es (Created page with "Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 19 de agosto de 1993.")
- 13:52, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Indian Black Brotherhood/21/es (Created page with "== Notas ==")
- 13:52, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Indian Black Brotherhood/19/es (Created page with "Falsos gurús")
- 13:52, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Indian Black Brotherhood/18/es (Created page with "== Véase también ==")
- 13:52, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Indian Black Brotherhood/20/es (Created page with "Hermandad del Cuervo Negro")
- 13:48, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Indian Black Brotherhood/1/es (Created page with "{{False hierarchy/es}}")
- 13:48, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Indian Black Brotherhood/Page display title/es (Created page with "Hermandad Negra de la India")
- 13:47, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Indian Black Brotherhood/8/es (Created page with "Otras formas avanzadas de yoga, que solo los verdaderos Gurús ascendidos y no ascendidos deberían enseñar, se transmiten libremente para la destrucción de unas almas que d...")
- 13:47, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Indian Black Brotherhood/7/es (Created page with "Esta actividad anti-Cristo y anti-Buda, altamente extendida en los Estados Unidos y la India, es un ejemplo de libertad material acompañada de la esclavitud espiritual. Ciert...")
- 13:47, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Indian Black Brotherhood/6/es (Created page with "El ritual sagrado del flujo de las energías entre los chakras de las llamas gemelas ha sido pervertido y se ha convertido en los abusos pertenecientes al yoga tántrico y a l...")
- 13:47, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Indian Black Brotherhood/es (Created page with "La Hermandad Negra de Lemuria, a través de la Hermandad Negra de la India, ha enseñado a sus devotos a manipular la vida elemental mediante el abuso del mantra y de las ener...")
- 13:47, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Indian Black Brotherhood/5/es (Created page with "La Hermandad Negra de Lemuria, a través de la Hermandad Negra de la India, ha enseñado a sus devotos a manipular la vida elemental mediante el abuso del mantra y de las ener...")
- 13:45, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs marked Indian Black Brotherhood for translation
- 13:42, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Soul travel/Page display title/es (Created page with "Viaje del alma")
- 13:36, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Soul travel/15/es (Created page with "{{MTR-ES-V1}}. {{MTR-es-vol2}}.")
- 13:35, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Soul travel/5/es (Created page with "Esta forma de trance y meditación psíquicos ha perdurado hasta el día de hoy. Según esas falsas enseñanzas, el neófito aprende a abandonar el cuerpo no por el centro de...")
- 13:35, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Soul travel/4/es (Created page with "Este plano subconsciente de autopercepción (por debajo de la percepción consciente del Yo como Dios), que hemos equiparado al cinturón electrónico, se convirtió en un lab...")
- 13:35, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Soul travel/3/es (Created page with "Más tarde, ciertas escuelas de la falsa jerarquía que estuvieron de moda en la Atlántida, durante los ciento veinte años en los que Noé predicó, pervirtieron esta natura...")
- 13:35, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Soul travel/2/es (Created page with "En el Génesis se describe la profunda comunión espiritual necesaria para la evolución del alma, como el profundo sueño en el que el S<small>EÑOR</small> Dios hizo caer so...")
- 13:24, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Garden of Eden (the mystery school of Lord Maitreya)/23/es (Created page with "De la misma manera, antes de alcanzar la iluminación, Gautama recibió la denuncia y el ataque de Mara, que desafió su derecho a sentarse en meditación bajo el árbol Bo. S...")
- 13:23, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Garden of Eden (the mystery school of Lord Maitreya)/22/es (Created page with "Está escrito en la ley kármica que cada uno de los treinta y tres pasos iniciáticos que el iniciado logre en el sendero de la derecha recibirá el desafío por parte de un...")
- 13:22, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Garden of Eden (the mystery school of Lord Maitreya)/21/es (Created page with "El karma que recibieron Adán y Eva fue el resultado del juicio correspondiente al nivel de responsabilidad de los elegidos de Dios. Eva, la Madre de todos los vivientes, hab...")
- 13:22, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Garden of Eden (the mystery school of Lord Maitreya)/20/es (Created page with "Cuando Adán y Eva encarnaron en la Tierra, ya habían alcanzado un nivel iniciático gracias al cual ya no se los llamaba niños de Dios, sino que se habían elevado al nivel...")
- 13:20, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Garden of Eden (the mystery school of Lord Maitreya)/6/es (Created page with "Por tanto, el jardín era el lugar preparado, el sitio en la Tierra Madre apartado para la redención de la humanidad, que había perdido el estado edénico mucho antes. Ahí,...")
- 13:19, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Garden of Eden (the mystery school of Lord Maitreya)/5/es (Created page with "Está escrito en el libro del Génesisque «el S<small>EÑOR</small> Dios plantó un huerto en Edén, al oriente».<ref>Génesis 2:8.</ref> El Jardín del Edén era un campo e...")
- 13:16, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Garden of Eden (the mystery school of Lord Maitreya)/es (Created page with "El Jardín del Edén simboliza la conciencia pura de Dios: ''E-Don'', esto es, sabiduría divina o Elohim Dominion, Dominio de los Elohim.")
- 13:16, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Garden of Eden (the mystery school of Lord Maitreya)/3/es (Created page with "El Jardín del Edén simboliza la conciencia pura de Dios: ''E-Don'', esto es, sabiduría divina o Elohim Dominion, Dominio de los Elohim.")
- 13:06, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs marked Garden of Eden (the mystery school of Lord Maitreya) for translation
- 13:01, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs marked Illuminati for translation
- 13:00, 12 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs marked Illuminati for translation
- 23:56, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Hail Mary/19/ko (Created page with ":천주의 성모 마리아님 ::하나님의 아들 딸들을 위해기도하십시오 ::지금 그리고 우리 승리 때 :::죄의 질병과 죽음에!")
- 23:56, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Hail Mary/ko (Created page with ":은총이 가득하신 마리아님 기뻐하소서 :주님께서 함께 계시니 여인중에 복되시며 :태중에 계신 아드님 또한 복되시나이다")
- 23:56, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Hail Mary/18/ko (Created page with ":은총이 가득하신 마리아님 기뻐하소서 :주님께서 함께 계시니 여인중에 복되시며 :태중에 계신 아드님 또한 복되시나이다")
- 23:54, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs marked Hail Mary for translation
- 23:49, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Ritual of the Resurrection Flame/31/ko (Created page with "''''변모 위한 예수 그리스도의 확언''''<br/> (법령 60.01, 찬송가 13)")
- 23:47, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Ritual of the Resurrection Flame/ko (Created page with "나는 스스로 존재하는 자이다.<br/> 나는 아무도 닫을 수 없는 열어 있는 문이며<br/> 나는 이 세상에 오는 모든 사람을 계몽하는 빛이...")
- 23:47, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Ritual of the Resurrection Flame/33/ko (Created page with "나는 스스로 존재하는 자이다.<br/> 나는 아무도 닫을 수 없는 열어 있는 문이며<br/> 나는 이 세상에 오는 모든 사람을 계몽하는 빛이...")
- 23:42, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs marked Ritual of the Resurrection Flame for translation
- 20:46, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs marked Baptism for translation
- 20:44, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Baptism/19/es (Created page with "Category:Sacramentos")
- 20:43, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Baptism/17/es (Created page with "Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 5 de diciembre de 1976.")
- 20:43, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Baptism/16/es (Created page with "== Notas ==")
- 20:43, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Baptism/15/es (Created page with "<blockquote>Todo lo que ocurre entre el Bautismo de Agua (Materia) y la Transfiguración en el alto monte de la conciencia Crística en la puerta oeste realiza el segundo arqu...")
- 20:41, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Baptism/14/es (Created page with "<blockquote>Este bautismo es la señal de que el Gurú está en el chela, corporalmente. Los triángulos equiláteros de su identidad son congruentes. Esta es la primera parte...")
- 20:41, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Baptism/13/es (Created page with "<blockquote>La complacencia del Padre en el Hijo se da siempre por la ley de la congruencia. Cuando el Hijo es el cáliz perfecto para el Padre, entonces el Padre está gozoso...")
- 20:40, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Baptism/12/es (Created page with "<blockquote>El significado de estas palabras es revelado a los iniciados: «Este es mi Hijo [la manifestación de Luz de mi Presencia, es decir, la encarnación de mi Palabra...")
- 20:40, 11 June 2021 Pduffy talk contribs created page Translations:Baptism/11/es (Created page with "<blockquote>Por ello el Maestro dijo: «Deja ahora, porque así conviene que cumplamos toda justicia». Este es el momento de la iniciación dada por Maitreya en el que la Per...")