Thomas Becket

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Thomas Becket on horseback
Thomas Becket

Thomas Becket (1118–1170) was Lord Chancellor of England in the twelfth century under Henry II, archbishop of Canterbury, and an incarnation of the ascended master El Morya. He was deeply devoted to the will of God and endured years of conflict with King Henry II over the rights of Church versus State. Becket was brutally murdered in his own cathedral by four knights who acted in response to Henry's desire to be rid “of this turbulent priest.” For centuries after his death, pilgrims flocked to his tomb at Canterbury and Saint Thomas worked many miracles there.

Early life

Thomas era un hombre de acción, que se deleitaba en el trabajo arduo y en el debate rápido. De joven había sido educado en las mejores escuelas de Europa y sirvió en la casa del Arzobispo de Canterbury, Teobaldo, que lo presentó al rey y lo recomendó para la cancillería. Se dice que Becket y el rey eran un corazón y una cabeza, y es probable que la influencia del canciller fuera en gran parte la causante de muchas de las reformas de la ley inglesa que se le atribuyen a Enrique.

Sir Th omas tenía gusto por la magnifi cencia y se tenía su casa por más elegante que la del rey. Llevaba armadura como cualquier otro hombre de batalla, conducía asaltos y se enganchaba en combates de mano a mano: tenía una fuerte voluntad, era serio y sin embargo de carácter intachable y profundamente religioso.

In 1161, Archbishop Theobald died and Henry called Becket to fill the office. Henry’s motive was simple. By placing his friend in the highest offices of both Church and State, Henry would bypass the traditional tension between the archbishop and the king. Becket, however, hesitated. He foresaw the inevitable conflict between the interests of the king and the interests of the Church.

The chancellor declined Henry’s request, warning the king that such a position would separate them on moral principles. Sir Thomas told him: “There are several things you do now in prejudice of the rights of the Church which make me fear you would require of me what I could not agree to.” The king paid no heed and hastened to have Thomas consecrated archbishop on the octave of Pentecost, 1162. Becket finally accepted the office as “God’s hidden will.”

En obediencia al rey y en sumisión amorosa a la voluntad de Dios, Becket abandonó hogar y primores e inició una vida de asceta. Pegado al cuerpo llevaba secretamente un cilicio. El amado arzobispo pasaba sus días distribuyendo limosnas a los pobres, estudiando las Sagradas Escrituras, visitando el hospital y supervisando a los monjes en su trabajo.

Conflict with the king

En su función de magistrado eclesiástico, Thomas era rigurosamente justo. Aunque, por ser arzobispo, Becket había renunciado a la cancillería, contrariando los deseos del rey, aun así, tal como lo había previsto, la relación entre Iglesia y estado pronto se convirtió en la causa de serias desavenencias. Como en aquel tiempo la Iglesia poseía enormes parcelas de tierra, cuando Enrique ordenó que se pagaran gravámenes sobre la propiedad directamente a su erario -cosa que constituía en realidad una forma fl agrante de robo-, Thomas protestó. Por otra parte, un clérigo acusado de asesinar a un soldado del rey fue juzgado en la corte eclesiástica, de acuerdo con una ley mucho antes establecida, y fue absuelto. Surgió una controversia, porque Enrique consideraba que el arzobispo había sido juez parcial.

El rey se quedó enojado con Thomas e insatisfecho; convocó un concilio en Westminster en el que los obispos, presionados por el rey, con reticencia aceptaron las revolucionarias Constituciones de Clarendon, que introducían ciertos “derechos” reales en los asuntos de la Iglesia y prohibían a los prelados abandonar el reino sin permiso. Estas medidas eran seriamente perjudiciales para la autoridad y el prestigio de la Iglesia.

Sin prestar atención a la nueva ley, Thomas cruzó el canal para llevar el caso ante el Papa. Deseoso de venganza, el rey le ordenó que cediera ciertas propiedades y honores e inició una campaña para desacreditarlo y perseguirlo. El rey Luis de Francia se inclinó en favor de la Iglesia y aceptó al arzobispo exiliado.

While submitting himself to the strict Cistercian rule in the monastery at Pontigny, Thomas received a letter from the bishops and other clergy of England deploring his “hostile attitude” to the king and imploring him to be more conciliatory and forgiving. Becket replied:

For a long time I have been silent, waiting if perchance the Lord would inspire you to pluck up your strength again; if perchance one, at least, of you all would arise and take his stand as a wall to defend the house of Israel, would put on at least the appearance of entering the battle against those who never cease daily to attack the army of the Lord. I have waited; not one has arisen. I have endured; not one has taken a stand. I have been silent; not one has spoken. I have dissimulated; not one has fought even in appearance.... Let us then, all together, make haste to act so that God’s wrath descend not on us as on negligent and idle shepherds, that we be not counted dumb dogs, too feeble to bark.

Becket excommunicated the bishops who had aided Henry. He also threatened England with an interdict that would forbid the people from participating in church functions.

The historic quarrel had dragged on for three years when at last King Louis was able to effect a partial reconciliation between Thomas and Henry. Henry invited Becket to return to England, where he was welcomed by enthusiastic crowds. As he entered Canterbury Cathedral it was said of him by a contemporary biographer, “Some saw and marveled at the face of this man, for it seemed as though his flaming heart burned in his very countenance.”

The martyrdom of Thomas Becket, from a medieval Book of Hours (c.1390)


Becket was met with fierce hostility from some, however. Three bishops who had been excommunicated by Thomas for direct disobedience to the Pope went before the king, who remained yet in France. In a fit of rage, Henry cried out, “What disloyal cowards do I have in my court that not one will free me of this lowborn priest?”

Four barons who overheard the king’s remarks plotted to kill Becket. When the archbishop received word of their plan, he said, “I think I know for certain that I will be slain. But they will find me ready to suffer pain and death for God’s name.”

On December 29, 1170, the barons brutally murdered Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral, four days after Christmas. His last words were, “For the name of Jesus and the defense of the Church, I embrace death.”

The incredible sacrilege of murdering an archbishop in his own cathedral produced a reaction of horror throughout Christendom. When the news was brought to the king, he realized that his mistaken remark had caused Becket’s death. Henry shut himself up and fasted for forty days and later did public penance in Canterbury Cathedral.


The body of Thomas Becket was placed in a tomb in the cathedral, which became the focus for hundreds of thousands of pilgrims—immortalized by Chaucer in his Canterbury Tales—who came to the shrine to witness the miracles that were wrought by Archbishop Becket’s intercession. Within three years, Thomas Becket was canonized a saint and martyr.

The motion picture Becket, based on the play Becket by Jean Anouilh, is the dramatic portrayal of the life of Thomas Becket.

See also

El Morya


Holy Days Calendar, December 1993.

El Morya, The Chela and the Path: Keys to Soul Mastery in the Aquarian Age.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, February 17, 1991.