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„Helgistarf“ er sú tiltekna köllun, lífsháttur eða starfsgrein þar sem maður staðfestir gildi sálar sinnar bæði fyrir sjálfan sig og náungann. Maður fullkomnar helgistarf sitt með því að þroska hæfileika sína, sem Guð hefur gefið, svo og náðargjafir heilags anda og leggja þær á altari þjónustunnar við mannkynið.

Helgistarfið er ekki aðeins framlag manns til samfélags síns heldur er það leiðin sem gerir sálinni fært að jafna þrígreinda loganum og standast prófraunir á hinum sjö geislasviðum. Það er ómissandi þáttur á vegferðinni til endurfundar „við“ Guð með því að gefa af sjálfum sér í raunhæfu starfi „fyrir“ Guð.

Bernska Krists, Gerard van Honthorst

Helgistarf og samfélagið

Samfélag heilags anda er hópátak sálna sem sameinast í helgistarfi. Þegar við hugleiðum líf Jesú finnum við að hagnýt kristni hans, leið hans til að vinna verk Guðs í manninum, hófst á lítillátu heimili þar sem móðir hans kenndi honum vegi andans og hjá föður sínum var hann frá blautu barnsbeini í læri til að verða trésmiður.

In the Essene community at Qumran, an example of the community of the Holy Spirit, each man’s sacred labor was held in reverence by all. Each man and woman, as an initiate of the Christ, was required to gain mastery in the planes of Matter by fulfilling the mandates of a particular calling, trade or profession. This became not only his contribution to the community, but also the means for the perfectionment of his soul. Thus in every age the sacred labor provides the means whereby the soul can balance the threefold flame and pass the tests of the seven rays in practice as well in theory.

Students at Summit University are taught to strive for perfection in every aspect of life as a means to creative fulfillment and to the mastery of the energies of the soul. They are encouraged to take jobs which will enable them to discover that certain genius which God has given to everyone. They must determine, if they have not already done so, what their life’s calling is and how they can best respond to the requirements of the soul’s blueprint for life while keeping the vows they took before the Lords of Karma prior to this embodiment.

As they advance in their studies, students give thoughts as to what their sacred labor will be, what supreme service is theirs to perfect and to offer to the individual, to the upliftment of the race, and to society as a whole. Whether a trade or a profession, with or without monetary reward, the sacred labor - as the talent that is multiplied, the tool that is sharpened - is the means whereby the student establishes his soul’s worth both to himself and to his fellowman. The sacred labor as the inner calling of the soul must be perfected in a practical mode that has application in the day-to-day needs of the community. The sacred labor is an indispensable component of the path of self-realization. It is the implementation of the Flame of the Holy Spirit.

By the sacred labor, men and women realize their potential to be the Christ in action as well as in contemplation. Through the sacred labor, students perfect certain skills necessary to the mastery of an aspect of time and space, that they might ultimately learn the mastery of self. Trained in the things of the Spirit, students of Summit University go forth to lead balanced lives (whether they marry and raise families or remain celibate) and become responsible members of the world community. Thus they are able to relate to the now of earthly existence, to the needs of family, friends, and neighbors, all the while pursuing the goal of the ascension and helping others to follow the true teachings of Christ as defined by the ascended masters.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.

Clara Louise Kieninger, Ich Dien.