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Nirvana is the highest destiny of the human spirit. Its literal meaning is “extinction.” What is being extinguished is the boundary of the finite self. Nirvana is the state in which the bundles of private desires have been completely consumed and everything that restricts the boundless life has died. Affirmatively, nirvana is that boundless life itself.

Nirvana can be defined as that state of being where individuality is, for a certain cycle, suspended. It is not lost, because at any moment individuality can once again emerge from the whole. But during the moment of the suspension of individuality, it is a sweet release whereby the individual does not have to be aware of the boundaries of being or of consciousness. He does not have to be aware of maintaining an identity. Not having to do this, he can be more aware of himself as God, in the sea of bliss. Nirvana is, then, the absorption of consciousness into the consciousness of God. It is a period for absorption, a period of integration.

Nirvana is another level of attainment for those who have reached the level of the Buddhic consciousness. It is the state in which the soul, having progressed through the orderly series of initiations available to man upon this planet, enters that cosmic rest whereby she becomes so completely absorbed in the individual I AM Presence that she maintains no contact whatsoever with the outer personality or form.

Nirvana and the ascension

Nirvana is not the ascension. Nirvana is a state that one can enter and return from prior to the ascension. One can also enter nirvana after the ascension and return. Gautama Buddha, after the conclusion of his life, went into nirvana as an ascended being. He was called back from nirvana to minister to the evolutions of the planet. In his meditation under the Bo tree, Gautama went into a consciousness of bliss where he experienced God for forty-nine days—nirvana from the unascended state. He was also called back from that experience and taught the people of India for forty-nine years.

Saint Germain tells us:

Through the ritual of the ascension, man is able to raise not only his individual consciousness, as in nirvana, but also his lower vehicles, including the four lower bodies, retaining the transmuted faculties thereof.... Those who attain nirvana temporarily, those who reach out for higher spiritual states through yogic practices ... should be made aware of the fact that only that attainment which is tied to a progressive initiatic ladder is fulfilled by the crown of the ascension.... Nirvana is best won by each soul when all of the rounds of experience prescribed as curriculum by the ascended masters are accepted and utilized by unascended man in complete obedience to the divine plan. Then let men enter nirvana.[1]

See also




Elizabeth Clare Prophet, November 27, 1974.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, May 27, 1974.

  1. Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and the Spiritual Path, pp. 162, 165–66.