Dark Cycle

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The Dark Cycle began on April 23, 1969, and marked the beginning of the cycle of the intensification of the return of karma. In this period of transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian age, the Great Law requires that the evolutions of planet earth deal directly with the momentums of personal and planetary karma set aside for centuries by the grace of God through his Sons incarnate (i.e., Jesus Christ and other avatars). In the face of the same propensity for darkness prevalent before the Flood, when “the wickedness of man was great in the earth” and “every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually,”[1] the Lords of Karma decreed this action in order to deter an even greater abuse of Life’s opportunity and to forestall that cataclysm which may be the ultimate consequence of the rising tide of world sin.

On August 20, 1969, the messengers explained that “the coming of the Dark Cycle simply means that the hand of mercy that for centuries has stood between mankind and their own dark deeds has been withdrawn. The law of God will bring swift and compelling judgment to those who have thought they could flaunt the law.” Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.[2]


Pearls of Wisdom, vo. 31, no. 27.

  1. Gen. 6:5.
  2. Gal. 6:7.