Обитель Богини Чистоты над Сан-Франциско
Богиня Чистоты владеет фокусом одного из древних храмов Лемурии на семи холмах Сан-Франциско. Интенсивность пламени чистоты в этой чудесной обители превышает то, что способен осознать человек. Это фокус пламени Матери с Лемурии, а также фокус пламени вознесения.
San Francisco is one of five ancient focuses of Lemuria that today are the five secret-ray chakras of the state of California. These cities are San Juan Capistrano, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Monterey and San Francisco. The secret rays anchored at these points are for the holding of the balance on the coast against cataclysm and for the transition to a golden-age culture. (The seven main chakras of California, from the base to the crown, are San Diego, Los Angeles, Bakersfield, Fresno, Sacramento, Redding, Mount Shasta.)
The retreat of Archangel Gabriel and Hope, located between Sacramento and Mount Shasta, is extended for the protection of San Francisco through the retreat of the Goddess of Purity.
See also
Goddess of Purity's retreat over Madagascar
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “The Goddess of Purity’s Retreat over San Francisco.”