Cosmic Egg
Духовно-материальная вселенная, включающая кажущуюся бесконечной цепь галактик, звездных систем, миров, известных и неведомых, чей центр, или белоогненная сердцевина, называется Великим Центральным Солнцем. Космическое Яйцо имеет как духовный, так и материальный центр. И хотя мы можем обнаружить Космическое Яйцо и наблюдать его с позиции наших физических чувств и перспективы, все измерения Духа можно также узнать и испытать внутри Космического Яйца. Ибо Бог, который сотворил Космическое Яйцо и держит его в Своей ладони, является и Богопламенем, расширяющимся час за часом внутри Его собственных сыновей и дочерей.
The Cosmic Egg represents the bounds of man’s habitation in this cosmic cycle. Yet, as God is everywhere throughout and beyond the Cosmic Egg, so by his Spirit within us we daily awaken to new dimensions of Being, soul-satisfied in conformity with his Likeness.
Diagram of the Cosmic Egg
The diagram of the Macrocosm illustrates the interaction of the planes of Spirit and Matter within the Cosmic Egg. The yolk represents the planes of Spirit-form and Matter-form, and the white represents the planes of Spirit-formless and Matter-formless.
Our universe is a cross section of this giant Ovoid, an externalization of Spirit suspended in Matter and Matter suspended in Spirit. Universes without number revolve around the Great Hub of Life interpenetrating one another, each within another dimension—each a slice, a verse, of the Great Central Sun Galaxy.
This galaxy is the all and everything of the Cosmic Egg, the entire contents thereof—yolk and white put together as spheres within spheres. Surrounding the Hub are the three great Causal Bodies: the Great Central Sun and the Great Causal Body forming the yolk and the Great Central Sun Galaxy forming the white, their relationship to one another being that of the ratio of the golden mean.
Thus the Cosmic Egg is composed of the Trinity in actualization of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Great Central Sun (the Pink Causal Body) is the focus of the Father; the Great Causal Body (the Yellow Causal Body) is the focus of the Son, the eternal Logos; and the Great Central Sun Galaxy (the Blue Causal Body), embracing all three, is the focus of the Holy Spirit.
For more information
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and the Spiritual Path, chapter 4, “Hierarchy.”
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and the Spiritual Path, chapter 4, “Hierarchy.”
- ↑ Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and the Spiritual Path, p. 217.