Kosminen kello
Kosminen kello on tiede, jolla kartoitetaan sielun karman ja vihkimysten syklit kellon kahdelletoista linjalle Suuren Keskusauringon kahdentoista hierarkian alaisuudessa. Äiti Maria opetti sen Mark ja Elizabeth Prophetille annettavaksi Jumalan pojille ja tyttärille, jotka ovat palaamassa Yhden Lakiin ja alkukohtaansa muodon ja vähäisemmän kausaalisuuden maailmojen tuolle puolen.
Kellon syklit
Kosmisen kellon tiede on keino, jonka avulla voimme kartoittaa elämämme syklit. Se ei ole perinteistä astrologiaa. Se on sisäistä astrologiaa, jonka avulla voimme kartoittaa karmamme syklit ja olla kohtalomme ja sykliemme mestari. Sen avulla voimme myös kartoittaa dharmamme syklit ja täyttää olemassaolomme syyn. Kun kosmisen kellon pyörä käännähtää päivä päivältä ja koemme elämässämme testiemme ja vihkimystemme syklit, tietoisuus tästä tieteestä voi auttaa meitä läpäisemään nämä testit.
Kaikki syklit noudattavat samaa arkkityyppistä kaavaa. Syklin perusjakoa edustaa Tai chi, jonka kaksi puoliskoa edustavat oikealla puolella olevaa Alfaa / maskuliinista / syklien alkua ja vasemmalla puolella olevaa Omegaa / feminiinistä / syklien loppua.
The quadrants
Each half of the whole may in turn be divided into two halves, resulting in four quadrants, which correspond to the four elements: fire, air, water and earth. All cycles begin on the 12 o’clock line of this clock, in the etheric quadrant, and then proceed through the mental and emotional quadrants to the physical.
These four quadrants also represent the four planes or frequencies of the material universe. Man’s being extends through all of these planes and into the realms of Spirit. We are less aware of our etheric, mental and emotional bodies than the physical, but these three are no less real. These four lower bodies are the vehicles for man’s evolution in time and space.
The twelve lines
Each of the four phases of a cycle may in turn be divided into three, resulting in twelve divisions, which are referred to using the names of the signs of the zodiac. Each line of this cosmic clock represents a specific frequency of God’s light/energy/consciousness, which we refer to as God-power on the 12 o’clock line, God-love on the 1 o’clock line, and so on.
Our journey through the cycles
We begin walking through the cycles of the cosmic clock when we are born. We begin at the point of origin of all cycles, at the twelve o’clock line. One year later, on our birthday, we enter the one o’clock line, and so on once around the clock every twelve years of our life. As we enter each new line of the clock, we receive an increment of light corresponding to the quality on that line, and we also face the tests of how we will use that energy or misuse it.
Along with the tests on each line of the clock based on our personal cycles starting at birth, we also face tests on each line when the Sun and Moon enter the signs of the zodiac corresponding to the lines.
These twelve frequencies of God’s energy may be misused by man, resulting in negative karma on each line of the cosmic clock. The misuses of the twelve lines may be summarized as criticism, condemnation, judgment and black magic on the twelve o’clock line, and so on around the clock.
We are all walking a path of initiation, and we all have a choice to either keep going on a treadmill of failing our tests as we pass through the lines of the clock, or to determine to pass these tests and move on with our spiritual development. These are the tests of everyday life that come every moment.
Each test we pass gives us the right to carry more sacred fire in our chakras. Thus, initiation is cumulative. What we earn on one line has to be carried to the next line, and it becomes the foundation for mastery in that line. Likewise, what we do not pass on one line cannot be built upon in the next. So we must prepare.
See also
For a meditation on the cosmic clock, see Ritual of the Atom
For more information
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Predict Your Future: Understand the Cycles of the Cosmic Clock
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Advanced Studies in Understanding Yourself, pp. 365–68, appendix on the cosmic clock, by the editors.