Cha Ara

From TSL Encyclopedia
This page is a translated version of the page Cha Ara and the translation is 22% complete.

Cha Ara is de zoon van de vrouwelijke meester Meta. In zijn laatste belichaming leefde hij in Perzië als de zoon van Meta. In dat leven verkreeg hij meesterschap over zijn fysieke vorm, die hij meerdere honderden jaren wist te behouden. Als adept in de vijfde straal, maakte hij de levens elixer en gebruikte deze niet alleen om zijn eigen vorm te behouden maar ook voor de genezing van anderen.

Cha Ara is intimately associated with the victory of the light on the American continent and came forth to assist Saint Germain in revealing to the children of God in embodiment those teachings that are necessary for their cooperation with the Brotherhood in bringing in the golden age. He is fulfilling his destiny as a guardian of the youth of America and the world that they might be prepared to bring forth the Holy Christ children and the seventh root race in South America.

Cha Ara works with Chananda and the Indian Council of the Great White Brotherhood. He calls us to an understanding of the mysteries of the sacred fire and the path of Zarathustra. Saint Germain speaks of his sense of joy.


Cha Ara now heads a department of instruction on healing and precipitation in the Royal Teton Retreat and conducts classes there. He also serves in the Persian Retreat.


Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, s.v. “Cha Ara.”